
The Common Sense of Educating The Whole Person / #criticalthinkers #citizenship #theFreedomPapers

The Power of the Family Dinner Conversation / #theFreedomPapers #education #criticalthinking #family

Critical Thinking & Access To The Forms Of Production: What Frederick Douglass Did And What The Incas Could Not Do / #edchat #politicalscience #theFreedomPapers #humanrights

Making The #NewEra Happen / #politicalscience #education #business #community #economy

Harmless As Doves, Clever As Snakes / #theFreedomPapers #love #humanity

Don’t Just Be Another Brick In The Wall; #positivedisruption #education #theFreedomPapers

Releasing the Negative Anchors / #theFreedomPapers #education