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Showing posts with the label Washington Village

Battling Crime 1 American Town @ A Time w/ Competitive #Skateboarding / #Harlem #SouthNorwalk #Connecticut @Olympics

How many dollars is a life worth? Can a skatepark make hard crime, like murder, plummet in a given geographic area? Recently, I read in a New York newspaper (with all the news that is fit to print) about the top most crime-ridden sectors of New York City. The article identified rape, murder and robbery as the main issues. How would a top-of-the-line skateboarding skatepark benefit Harlem, New York?  How about South Norwalk, Connecticutā€™s, Ryan Park, right next to Washington Village?  In California, Pennsylvania, and in many smart towns and cities across the country there are mega skateboarding park facilities, complete with night lighting and ample skateboarding space.  These allow a greater number of athletes to skateboard simultaneously, as well as provide a longer period of time where people with different schedules can use the park. The intensive-cognitive-physical strengthening, plus the low cost of purchasing safety ...

July 16th Family Invitational Softball Game at Ryan Park / #peopleoverprofit #thisAmericanQuilt

Invitation to all Norwalk Residents Washington Village Originals Launch Where: Washington Village Amphitheater When : Saturday, July 16th, 2016 at 5:30 pm To do list: family softball game in Rye Park. chess with CoachBill.US Stretching & calisthenics Establish E.J. as our 1st Rugby coach South Norwalk/ Washington Village Soccer Baseball Basketball Rugby Chess Theater skateboarding dancing art music Facebook: Revitalize South Norwalk Community Center Facebook: Washington Village Orginals Twitter: @WashingtonVill email:

The Return of the Town Hall Meeting to South Norwalk / #positivedisruption #communityfirst #gentrification #socent

Everyone enjoys a nice neighborhood. No one likes to grow up in squalor and poverty. In the best of cases, the redevelopment of neighborhoods includes a sincere, genuine plan to empower the poor people of a village rather than create a small percentage of affordable housing for some of them while booting out the rest in favor of folks with deeper pockets. At Norwalk's city hall, Mayor Harry Rilling and the departments he supposedly guides and manages has been focused on making Norwalk a more lucrative place amongst the Fairfield County towns. But his idea of growth leaves all the poor people behind and throws in a mega mall as the welcome mat to what could be a city with great character. In its ghetto, which is called Washington Village, the mayor and his Norwalk Redevelopment Agency have big plans. The plan, recently stuck down by the courts was to create an urban apartment complex village to replace the plantation-style brick buildings that currently house a mostly Afri...