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Showing posts with the label citizens

Walking In the Spirit of The Harmless Champions of Our Liberty

ā€œbecause it assumes that there CAN be MORAL RIGHT in the enslaving of one man by another.ā€ Abraham Lincoln,  1854 In his October 16th, 1854 debate with Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln objected to the institution of slavery, and he objected to any assumption that the delegates in the Continental Congress; those signers of the Declaration of Independence, wanted to expand slavery, seeing that in principle, it was an affront to the central idea of liberty and justice for all meant to bind the national community together as one people. Instead, he effectually demonstrated the uneasiness of the Revolutionary era Federal government, and immediate post-Revolutionary government with being comfortable in dismissing any attempt to allow slavery to grow as an institution. They wanted to constrain it and let it die, that their sacrifices, and the sacrifices of all those individuals made should not be in vain. ā€œThe plain unmistakable spirit of that age, towards slavery, was hostility to ...

The Propaganda in Our Hearts & Minds / #positivedisruption #criticalthinkers #democracy

Not only does human slaughter of the fruit of a womanā€™s womb promote the idea that we are disposable, but a peopleā€™s will to stand up to such a standard order of daily business is stifled through its information modes  of content production. What does the latter mean? and how important is a critically thinking, open-minded individual who is God-centered to a local, national, and global community? Why would such characteristics in an individual be considered outright dangerous by a prevailing political order? This type of individual can be found anywhere in the world, irrespective of ethnicity, race, or language, but not regardless of submission to the the true Lord of Lords, God Almighty. It requires altruism, time, and an investment of spiritual energy in a concerted way. We must become as if we were political scientist, listening, observing, watching and seeking to understand how culture is created, how governments interact with one another, with the citizenry, how pe...