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Your Most Humble & Obedient Servant

Gentle-hearted, not easily provoked, slow to anger, ready to forgive. Being meek, as defined in Judeo-Christian scripture, differs from its common understanding outside of its biblical interpretation. Its understanding in scripture is connected with one of the qualities of being the sons and daughters of God. Its scriptural application from the LORD describes the word as being gentle of heart unto others, submissive unto God, and humble in all of ones ways; an intelligently, aware understanding that is outwardly good and inwardly producing continued peace in the heart and mind. Moses was well-known for being meek. George Washington, though he was a soldier all his life, was meek, as can be directly understood from his writings. Abigail Adams was meek. Frederick Douglass was meek. Abraham Lincoln was meek. George Washington Carver was exceedingly meek. Ronald Reagan was meek. What is written is said as a placement of a landmark; a position to proclaim within our schools, family homes, a...