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Showing posts with the label kid entrepreneurship

#HomeGrownEntrepreneurship: Secret of #RealEconomicVitality?

Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford car company had an interesting take on empowering individuals and families... paying workers high salaries to drive up wages, giving them the ability to purchase houses, and access to opportunity. Ford also saw how he could create a feedback loop whereby the workers themselves can afford to purchase the cars they themselves help make. Can you do homegrown entrepreneurship that can bring supplemental income into your household? How would the unfolding of this process impact your child's perception of economic opportunity? By the term 'homegrown entrepreneurship' I am implying the concept about role-modeling to our children how to be successfully self-employed (or partly self-employed). I believe that if more of us started our own kinds of small businesses, there would be less need for government entitlement safety net systems of learned helplessness. From an executive function skills usage point of view, in a well-run home grown busin...