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Showing posts with the label war

Our #SocialResponsibility to Our Soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder / #PTSD #thisAmericanQuilt @potus

It used to be called  ā€œshell shock.ā€ The reality of war can put a soldier in situations not normal for the average human being. Prolonged exposure to the drama and aftermath of violence can surely have an effect on a personā€™s mind and heart (soul). ā€˜Shell shockā€™ has been well-documented on film, such as Tom Cruises character in, ā€˜Born on the Fourth of Julyā€™ and late-director Stanley Kubrickā€™s, ā€˜Full-Metal Jacket.ā€™ A personā€™s ā€˜bearingsā€™ are shifted and a new normal takes hold. This new normal juxtaposes itself against the normalcy of everyday society. Inevitably, the soldier who has experienced sustained levels of stress has what amounts to separate operating systems which do not always agree with each other.  The ravages of war are not taking in with a soft light. I had a friend who served in Iraq as a Marine. I knew him before and after his service. Many active and veteran armed forces personnel never see the front lines or have to literally fight their way out of ...

We ARE All Created Equal / #empathy #riseUp #IHaveADream #MovingForward #PoliticalScience #humanrights

Being a teacher requires equal measures of ā€˜know-how,ā€™ nurturing love and innovation, in order to stay relevant and effective in repeatedly producing successful educative outcomes. My graduate degree is in Special Education from Fairfield University and my bachelorā€™s is in Political Science from UMass-Boston affording me a special mix of insight for a Special Educator and Executive Function Skills Coach who works with children and adults with attentional deficits, behavioral concerns or identified as being on the autism spectrum. Does it give me somewhat of a special micro and macro lens at viewing and understanding my work? I believe so, though it does not mean I am always right. Just ask my ex-wife. Like the artists of old I have had three main families, or patrons for half a decade each of whom has been my base of financial support throughout my time in the U.S. northeast. A Muslim family, a Jewish family and a Christian family.. all with at least one child on the a...