
The Empathic Capitalist: Non-Political News From the Social Entrepreneurial Front / #PuertoRico #positivedisruption

Unleash Your Heart In Service / #servantleadership #community #specialeducation #youth #success

@ScalziOriginals.US #StateOfTheUnion @CityOfStamford #skateboarding #positivedisruption #comunity #youth #autism

The Meditative Archer / #archery #executiveFUNction CoachBill.US #lifeskills #JackIsAllIn

Bringing Down Apathy (Flyer) / #SouthNorwalk #Community Center / #positivedisruption CoachBill.US #allin

CoachBill.US Goes to #CityHall / #hope #positivedisruption #SouthNorwalkCommunityCenter #youth #socialresponsibility

Let's Party! Popping Pills: From #ADHD to #Heroin in Pill Format / #thisAmericanQuilt #socialresponsibility #youth

When Parents have to Fight to Be Parents / #family #community #doingtherightthing #justice

#PauloPenella & the Story of the Leaning Tree / #socialresponsibility #youth #duty #honor #country #Greenwich #Connecticut

Using the #GrowthMindset as a Family Value / #youth #positivedisruption #community

Addressing #GunControl from a Peculiar Angle / #positivedisruption #executiveFUNction #skateboarding #movementtherapy

This is How We Move Forward at Scalzi Skatepark / #socialresponsibility #awareness #positivedisruption

#PositiveDisruption: Introducing Mikey / #Scalzi #Skatepark Local #newday #empowerment #youth

Josh: Life Skating Commitment #EpicCommitment #youth #revival #positivedisruption #skateboarding

Criminals Included / #Skateboarding is Not a Crime :) #PositiveDisruption #Scalzi #skatepark #youth #EpicCommitment

Just Say Yes! Waking Up & Transforming Our Hearts / #skateboarding #awareness #youth #Scalzi #socialgood