#Confessions of a Private #SpecialEducator / CoachBill.US #ADD #executivefunction #autism Posted by @CoachBill007 on September 22, 2014 ADD ADHD autism Boston Coach Bill Connecticut +4 executive function executive function skills coaching Martha's Vineyard New York City Puerto Rico special education ADD ADHD autism Boston Coach Bill Connecticut executive function executive function skills coaching Martha's Vineyard New York City Puerto Rico special education
The Welcomed Grief That Comes with the Job Posted by @CoachBill007 on September 02, 2014 autism Big Pharma Coach Bill Connecticut family grief +3 hope Martha's Vineyard mercury New York City parents Puerto Rico special educator true love vaccines autism Big Pharma Coach Bill Connecticut family grief hope Martha's Vineyard mercury New York City parents Puerto Rico special educator true love vaccines
The #ExecutiveFunction of Leading as a #SpecialEducator From the Front; #ManOnFire Posted by @CoachBill007 on August 30, 2014 ADHD autism Coach Bill CoachBill.US Connecticut +5 executive function Hacienda Culminante horses Lajas Martha's Vineyard New York Puerto Rico San Juan special needs ADHD autism Coach Bill CoachBill.US Connecticut executive function Hacienda Culminante horses Lajas Martha's Vineyard New York Puerto Rico San Juan special needs
Shell-Shocked Parents of Kids w/ #Autism Need Help From Private Sector Posted by @CoachBill007 on August 29, 2014 autism children Coach Bill community entrepreneurship +5 Connecticut entrepreneur executive function Martha's Vineyard Mothers New York parents PTSD Puerto Rico autism children Coach Bill community entrepreneurship Connecticut entrepreneur executive function Martha's Vineyard Mothers New York parents PTSD Puerto Rico
Metrics & Daily Routine Accomplishment Bolsters #ExecutiveFunction Posted by @CoachBill007 on August 27, 2014 ADHD autis children Coach Bill Connecticut consistency +3 executive function skill family Martha's Vineyard New York planning out Puerto Rico special education ADHD autis children Coach Bill Connecticut consistency executive function skill family Martha's Vineyard New York planning out Puerto Rico special education
#CoachBill.US is Hotter than #Fire Posted by @CoachBill007 on August 25, 2014 ADHD autism Cape Cod Coach Bill Connecticut +6 executive function government Martha's Vineyard Massachussets maverick Moodys New York Puerto Rico special education trailblazer ADHD autism Cape Cod Coach Bill Connecticut executive function government Martha's Vineyard Massachussets maverick Moodys New York Puerto Rico special education trailblazer