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Showing posts with the label Prayer

Mastering Ourselves For Each Other or..One Day at a Time:) / #community #AllIn #values #softskills

ā€œMany waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would be utterly contemned.ā€ Song of Solomon 8:7 I was born in La Jolla, California with a silver spoon in my mouth, though I have gotten to points where i had no spoons:) My late-father was a U.S. Marine and a soldiers soldier..he became a 101st Airborne Ranger, a Screaming Eagle as they call themselves. Mom is a math teacher of teachers. Dad would wake me up at 5:30 every morning to do calisthenics and run before school. Heā€™d get me out of bed and gently walk me to the shower. Heā€™d turn it on and leave. Of course, I would sleep standing up on leaning on the towel rack and heā€™d have to come back in and prompt me to go into the shower. In the middle of our run we would stop at the church and pray, then continue running. Mom is Cuban-American and was/is the family therapist for my sisters and I. She was always my strongest advocate through ...

Extinguishing the Defiance from the Defiant Child Tonight

What do you do with a child who is passively defiant, perhaps obnoxious at times, and increasingly dismissive of parental authority? Normally, the idea is to do something to change them, modify their behavior, or just kinda deal with each week as it comes. In some instances, with the supervision, guidance and direction of a doctor, like a psychiatrist, a child's parents may see their young child now be able to sit still longer, be more focused, and appear to show a very observable increase in another executive function skill, the ability to sustain attention. A pharmaceutical medication can be a 'bridge'  to help the child maybe focus on enhancing their ability to better self-manage themselves in a more goal-directed manner. n essence, be 'more' focused. This helps the child to be able to sustain their attention for a longer duration on a sequence of tasks. Rather quickly, the child (or adult for that matter) eventually understands quite intuitively that the 'so...

Using #Prayer As An #ExecutiveFunction Skill Parent Tool?

Jeremiah 29:7 The Word of The Lord And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace. Regardless of religion, can a holy book be used as a standard by which to self-monitor one self? I believe so.  Can a Father use it as a 'go to' guide that can guide the mind, as well as help the Father guide the mind of their children? I believe so also.  Can prayer be the guide? What is to be said about the growing prevalence of studies showing that prayer heals people from disease? I believe so and science is showing so. See here:  and here: Praying brings about peace in the heart and mind in a very immediate way. This manifests an immediate metacognitive slide into...