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Showing posts with the label intimidation

#DefendingBobsSon / #RobertDeNiro's Support of @VaxxedTheMovie at @TribecaFilmIns / #corporatesocialresponsibility

Legendary actor, Robert De Niro, has a son on the autism spectrum. As a Special Educator in my fourteenth year of work in the field and using basic common sense, I question if heavy metals and other legally inserted preservatives in vaccines have any place in a child's developing brain. I know that the first five to six years are the formative neurological years of development, though it is said that the brain continues to grow and prune till the mid to late  twenties of a person's life. That said, neurological studies point to the 'plasticity' or malleability of the brain to be able to re-wire itself, and in effect literally have the potential to change its physical condition, much like a muscle that is worked out at the gym. Now, what would heavy metals and carcinogenic preservatives do to a baby's brain? To what extent can a child's physical healing process heal itself from being injured by heavy metal? Is it not common sense that heavy metal in ...