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Showing posts with the label courage

#theLeader and her Mighty Warrior Grizzly Bear Father / A Call To Action / #specialneeds #community

updated 1.9.15 8:30 pm  set For the effective educator, knowledge is not absolute power. It is the ability to apply that knowledge that is of greater value. While in Florida, I was introduced by my sister to a friend of hers who is a U.S. Marine veteran. He did two tours in Iraq and fought in the battle of Fallujah. He is an all-American hero and grizzly bear of a man standing close to six and a half feet tall with ā€˜Wolverineā€™sā€™ (Marvel Comics) sideburns. He is and looks like a mighty warrior. His name is Chris and he is the single father to a princess with severe special needs. Her name is Chloe. One of her arms and one of her legs is atrophied. She is five and a half years old. Her current physical challenges prevent her from standing up and walking like most of us. I visited the family home for three hours during my recent family visit to Daytona Beach after the new year. Chloe took my heart. I coached by yielding to her in our first session together. She was not...

The Beating Heart of #Service Fears Not..It just keeps Firing! / #courage #army #poem #humility

ā€¦and Ty gave me the word ..and it helped sustain my heart. There was little sleep. Constant discomfort and uncertainty I had. Yet, I read this word and it gave me some rest. ā€¦and my sisters.. and my mother..troubled and not knowing My pain was great and I hid it. ā€œOnly be strong and of a good courageā€ ..and I held back my tears in the daytime. Lovingkindness fears not It holds its stance sending ripples of energy hitting and disarming hearts long since drugged numb and my body was drained constantly and it was hard for me to breathe and i felt my energy leave me I found it hard to replenish it The fountain was being tapped by 244 souls ..and Pastor Pat, now my friend and who is no Pastor,  but a father of ten and a crack head said, ā€˜I need your soul!ā€™ and they all gravitated to me eventually ā€¦and then I recalled my time in church when I was a boy how the energy was drained from me I had to sit outside the congrega...

When the Student is Ready, the Master Appears: Syncing Hearts, Bodies & Minds, a Poem & Thought Release

I don't find my students. I put my bread in the water and the students find me. Where is his strength? Is this the teacher? Oh. I see now. Let's do this. I got this! A great coach role-models, leads, supports, instructs, guides, corrects, mentors... and gets out of the way. Coaching then, is an art of balancing the player's strengths, fleshing out talents, strengthening deficits naturally and nurturing the mind and heart to reach higher levels of performance. Learning is not just a solitary action anymore with this understanding, but a humbling mindset that opens the mind to receive.  A central tenant to coaching duties is being able to impart knowledge so that learning can happen. The effective transfer of intellectual property comes easily when you seek to engage the mind via the heart first. Understanding that the mind and heart move the body, just like a small tiller directs a large ship, a great coach becomes sensitive to the player's wellbeing. The...