March 3, 2017 Coach Bill Social Entrepreneur & Special Educator Life Skills Corp. CoachBill.US Chaplain of Bridgeport Correctional Center, Bridgeport, Ct. Re: Social Entrepreneurial-Mentoring Proposal to the Bridgeport Correctional Center Dear Chaplain, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to propose a two-step program for the inmates at your correctional center. My goal is multi-pronged and involves lowering recidivism rates of male citizens through bringing awareness and vision of how inmates can go about self-empowering their position in the community. My program would have two phases and would require the establishment and deepening of relationships between the inmates so that I can best understand them on an individual level, step into their shoes, and together, plot out a way forward for them. āReal-worldā life skills that are often not recognized, such as grit, honesty, humility and leadership can be identified and rein...
For The Good Of The American Family & Individual: Youth, Adults, & Senior Citizens