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Showing posts with the label Syria

Five Dimensional Chess: Understanding The Players, Their Objectives & The Requirements For Peace in the Middle East / #Israel #Palestine #strategy #criticalthinking

Part 1 -Understanding the Chess Players and Current Positions on the Game Board In chess, moving one singular piece forward without tactical backup, defense or collaboration can many a times spell the capture of that piece and signal futility in moves made to the advantage of an opponent who may be more judicious in how they ā€˜open upā€™ and establish their strategy. Their in, oneā€™s ability to create the outcome for victory can be sidelined in the short-term and narrow interest of simply galavanting across the board towards a skillful adversary. In the interplay of international relations, such as those between Israel and Palestine, it could be said that the chess board and number of pieces, even the number of players, have greatly expanded to become nothing less than a five dimensional game kept in stagnant check. Each side unwilling to forfeit the possibility of position, which can imply a loss of physical territory, loss of the political power of specific managing players, and ...

Crazy Little Thing Called #Liberty / #positivedisruption in the #ArabWorld

What happens when a people are brought up in repressive cultures, be it a household or an entire nation? In what state of mind and heart are they left as they reach adulthood? Do they experience greater vulnerability to be emotionally manipulated? What if the repression never ends? In a nation, what kind of political actors arise from such a petri dish of cultural repression? On the reverse, what are the traits of a people that are allowed to self-express as individuals and as a whole culture?  How does their exercise of liberty, their having access to education and the human essentials which make community life enjoyable pivot their culture to one where social, political and economic pressures are dissipated and the hallmarks that make a free society flourish? In todayā€™s essay, I focus on how individual freedom and liberty are the ticket to bring positive disruption within many of the Middle Eastern countries along the Mediterranean Sea. A special focus on the countri...

In service to others our hearts stay light. / #Syria #refugees #family #community #skateboarding #liberty #freedom

Right now there is war and tragedy in Syria. The boy in this picture has lost family and is probably not Judeo-Christian. Should my empathy run on certain lines, yet not on others? Is not humanity a family? Being a brothers and sisters keeper puts our focus on being servants to others and the overall welfare of the community. The mind goes into a foresight-mode geared towards looking for ways to be of service.   Is Syria a lost case? Did we ever think there would be skateboarders roaming in Afghanistan? Over a decade of Soviet occupation and nearly two decades of official U.S. and allied force occupation, the tension between armed forces bent on different purposes over the Afghani-land has been something of an enigma. The people of Afghanistan are a simple people. They are either ā€˜from the land,ā€™ or are focused on going about their business. They are sheep headers, farmers, servant leaders, skateboarding girls, traders, and artists. More than anything, they ar...