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Showing posts with the label positive disruption

The Empathic Capitalist: Non-Political News From the Social Entrepreneurial Front / #PuertoRico #positivedisruption

Santurce, Puerto Rico, USA Latest News: After speaking at length with various municipal government offices, one of them suggested that a signature petition effort to organize the local community around the formalization of the skatepark, garden, and fishing area would serve as a bulwark against government expropriation and possible purchase of the property by a private owner. The ā€˜Parque Punta Las Marias,ā€™ situated in San Juan, Puerto Ricoā€™s Atlantic coast in the Santurce neighborhood of Punta Las Marias, is heavily protected land by the local residents looking to keep it as a place of urban respite. It has been ground zero for a non-violent, community-driven turfwar symbolizing a microcosm of what has been happening to the island itself. Deep in bond debt, Puerto Ricoā€™s government has looked to develop local industry, garner outside investment, and sell-off land in order to stay as close to solvency as possible. At the same time, many Puerto Ricans have become increasingly invo...

Donā€™t Just Be Another Brick In The Wall; #positivedisruption #education #theFreedomPapers

updated 10:04 est 4/24/18 Is it not so that we are surrounded with constant distraction? Like trains brought onto their tracks daily, our minds experience the movement on the tracks of our daily lives, chugging along swiftly with a sense of productivity, of doing, of living, working, studying, accomplishing and moving ā€˜ever upward.ā€™ But whoā€™s dreams are our dreams? Is it possible that the tracks of life on which we move were created by others long before, according to standard systems that support the present economy and reflect the educational upbringing fully synchronized to maintaining a status quo? What if thoughā€¦ what if, the standard system of economy we have maintains a status quo were a great many people within such a framework find it unattainable to make the kind of financial security needed to simply not always be working to live?  Can our work be our dream? Can we empower ourselves to make new dreams? Can an individual become a powerhouse of positive disr...

Immigration & Sovereignty in the United States of America / #criticalthinkers #democracy #empathy #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption

In a round table discussion with American citizens from Chile, Puerto Rico, Colombia, and Mexico, and me, being born in California to caucasian parents of Anglo-Saxon and Cuban descent, and a father to my children whoā€™s mother is of Guatemalan and Central American heritage, I seeked to bring the conversation towards the dire democratic need to bring greater gravity and intellectual responsibility to local and national discourse on immigration into the United States of America. Everyone brought forth their view points and we were all in accord throughout the talk. Below is a capsule of the sentiment and feeling shared by all involved in the conversation. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. Allowing the entrance of sixteen million Central Americans during the Obama presidency was an act of compassion, as much as it was a political move to change the demography of America. Surely, these sixteen million immigrants will find a path to citizenship, grow families, and within fifty years, triple in size, crea...

State of The Union / January 2018 #USA #socialresponsibility #humanrights #economy #education #empathiccapitalism #positivedisruption

Decade after decade, the framing of the priorities of most importance in the United States of America appear to be staggered by the special interests of the campaigning patrons of congressional and presidential leadership. Such vital interests as the economy, health care and security, are three very prescient local and national matters which should be of great concern to all of us, and have remained so. Great successes over the last 12 months in these areas cannot be ignored and must be brought to light. The people and government that make the United States of America have in many respects grown stronger, become more mindful on the local, national and global level and begun to participate more in the movement of choosing the direction in which to continue to steer the country.  As of January 2018, the economy appears to have rebounded with a tremendous growth in credible job employment across the nation and a stock market that has added over 7,000 points since President Dona...

ā€˜Hello Brother, hello sisterā€™ / #Israel #Palestine #Jerusalem #politicalscience #positivedisruption

Recently, the President of the United States of America formally acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It was a decision mainly met with contention from leaders in the Islamic world, and good tidings from Israel itself. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Jewish-state, staunch allies of the American government with deep cultural ties with the American Judeo-Christian culture, have marked the occasion of American recognition of Jerusalem with a joy that has been long in anticipation. In this essay, I briefly expand on the human rights component of the contending issue between Palestine and Israel, and on a wider lens, the use of Palestine by internal and external powers as a proxy to militarily fight the Jewish homeland, destabilize the safety of the region, and in effect create an uneasy status quo of constant existential threats. This middle-eastern city has historically been a staging ground of battle for thousands of years between Jewish, Chr...

Targeting Income Inequality with #EmpathicCapitalism / #business #SocEnt #economy #WallStreet #parents #teachers

Despite the incredible growth of the American stock market, ā€˜trickle-down economicsā€™ remains a misleading assumption that somehow the gains of the capitalist system will reach people who do not participate in it. It is true, the United States is the most capitalistic nation in the world, and our free market principle supplies our economy with the most unrestrained money-making mechanism clear across the planet. Yet, this is a tale of two cities. One in which capitalists endeavor and hustle; in which self-employed business men and women work towards creating work, creating income and creating opportunity, and one in which the rest of the people work for these, indirectly appreciating the gains of the economic creators. Yes, it happens to be that as capitalistic endeavors scale, employees indirectly benefit from the growth of the company, albeit, in a more limited way than the actual founder and or leader of the company. Now, in order to think like a capitalist, work as on...