Solve Problems By #Dancing / #MayaAngelou #storydance #executiveFUNction #JamesBrown #getOntheGoodFoot
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how AMAZING you can be. -Maya Angelou The caged bird sings because its cage door is open. It is not actually a prisoner though it seems to live in a jail. The caged bird sings because its heart is free to fly. The caged bird flies and comes back to its master because they have a bond, an agreement, whereby both benefit. The master enjoys to see the bird be free and to see it come back every day. The cage door is left open because the master of the house is wise and filled with understanding. What is the state of your heart? Is it free? Is it nourished? Do you feed it every day like you feed the belly and the mind? Your heart has emotions coursing through it but is it the emotions? Your mind holds all that you think you are and all the capabilities needed to do what you do, but are you just your mind? Your body holds you upright and takes action, but are you just your body? Could it be that feeding your heart, is...