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Showing posts with the label veterans

Loving the Walking Wounded / #suicide #PTSD #veterans @wwp @whitehouse @deptvetaffairs

It is said that every day we lose a soldier/ veteran to suicide. A steady flow of tragedy besets the country and its families as each of these mighty men (and women) whom the nation has invested greatly into take their own life, usually after their time in service. Every day the lights go  out for at least one of them. It is cause for concern. With all the individual, unfolding events that occur within the nation, a din of information seems to drown out key happenings that desensitize us collectively to the diverse constant losses we endure as a country. What is more, we must all pick ourselves up to go to work the next day, seek to create happiness and peace through it all and live out our lives to the best of our abilities. This is good. To keep moving forward is important, rather than to stagnate, dwell and stop forward engines. But there must be some of us who stop to look back and tow those that have fallen, yet are not gone. There must be some of us...

Honoring A Veteran / #Dad #fathers #therealdeal #socialresponsibility #TeamUSA #servantleadership

I want to honor my Dad who I last saw last on December 6, 2014. He passed at midnight in the Veterans Hospital of San Juan, Puerto Rico on December 31/ January 1, of 2014/5 at the age of eighty-four. One of the best things I learned from my late-father was the over-arching value of cultivating a champion mindset. It is what we call the ā€˜growth mindsetā€™ today. Every day was important and he approached it with all the readiness and enthusiasm of every day before. He also valued preparedness. Being prepared. The grandfather to my three children was a veteran of the ā€˜Screaming Eaglesā€™ Airborne Rangers of the 101st Airborne Division in the U.S. Army. Dad also served in the U.S. Marines and was part of an elite expeditionary force in Korea ahead of the official start of the war. My Dad was an  ā€˜All-Armyā€™ football player and also padded up for the Rose Bowl. He was there for virtually all my own football games, straight on through high school. He was unstoppable in his ...

The Deal: Aligning Our Perspectives Under One Roof #thisAmericanQuilt #brotherskeeper #servantleadership #TeamUSA #GrowTheGlory

A change in perspective can bring elements across America together under one roof. Is it possible that agreements be reached between conservative and liberal factions? What are the 10 most important priorities that the United States of America needs to work on, in order for it to move forward at a much more accelerated pace? Will greater access to smart education that supports the rise of an social entrepreneurial public education system help bring Wall Street and Main street together?  Can our land ā€˜healā€™ with the practice and government funding of abortion? Will conservative Americans simply stay calm, cool and collected if this practice continues?   In regards to what is known as autism spectrum disorder, protecting life in the womb includes taking all precautions to ensure that the childā€™s development not  be stunted by carcinogenic ingredients found in unsafe vaccines. How can we align more to Godā€™s commandment to love one another, in s...

The Wounded Warrior Project: The Holistic #Empowerment of Bands of Soldiers / #positivedisruption @wwp

As a performance-based Special Educator and Executive Function Skills Coach it is imperative to have a healthy understanding of the best instructional practices, methods and strategies in relation to the students one coaches. Consequently, identifying and implementing practical, novel approaches that can be easily incorporated by students and their support system is a must. Not only that, being able to convey these in an understandable effective and efficient manner so that they are carried out successfully in the coaches absence is a priority. In light of these points of frame, the search, experimentation, practice and polishing off of contextual activities buttressing the development of cranial connectivity between right and left hemispheres and the prefrontal cortex where our executive function skill abilities fire off is paramount to my work. To this end, the use of the below activities create a ā€˜back-door approachā€™ to distill the strenuous development of our cognitive sk...