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Showing posts with the label fashion

#NancyReagan: Style & Grace / @Flotus ;)

To be able to live a life and be known for elegance and sophistication is no easy matter. Former First Lady Nancy Reagan gracefully accomplished this with poise. Having lived nearly a full century, she was on the forefront of an American landscape that had dramatically changed in her ninety-four years of life on earth. Technology, social movement and increased opportunity all were prevalent themes signifying great positive disruption across our land at the time of her birth. Henry Ford had just begun to democratize owning a vehicle by mass-producing it at a low-cost, the first world war had just come to an end and airplanes were connecting the world like never before.  A New Yorker, she starred in over ten movies and performed on Broadway before she began her romance with Ronald Reagan and became the First Lady  of California and eventually, the United States of America.  Mrs. Regan belongs in a special pantheon alongside former first lady Jacqueline Kenned...