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Showing posts with the label justice

Pilgrims of Justice & Liberty

The Statue of Liberty (being created in Paris, 1880) ā€œ unbounded confidence I have in your attachment to me, an the dear pledges of our affection .ā€                                                Abigail Adams to John Adams In our humanity, extraordinary times have called upon the hearts and minds of ordinary people to shine out of necessity for others. Is it the providence of God for human kind; his love and mercy to raise up champions as lights shining in the darkness; delivering a multitude from bondage into safety? These champions distinguished themselves in action that sets them apart. They have not been mere place holders holding a position or a standard. All of these faced opposition of some sort in striking ways; their works ultimately toppling what was before, bringing in a new standard during a time of distress; shaping once ...

True Justice Is All-Mighty / #abortion #LionHeart #USA @POTUS #thisAmericanQuilt

Jesus, born to a daughter of God, Mary, of the line of King David had a such an energy effect that his arrival on earth became perfectly timed and synchronized with the hearts of wise men, some would call kings, far east of Israel.  The arrival of his kingdom was heralded for thousands of years. He was announced by the prophets as of from everlasting and timeless, with peace, righteousness, justice and love being his platforms. ā€œBut thou Bethlehem Ephratah. though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. ā€¦And he shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God; and they shall abide: for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth. And this man shall be the peace.ā€ Micah 5: 2-5 When shepards heard in the field heard of it they ran to praise the birth, as well. R...

The Kids Are Watching / #BruceLee #commonsense #idols #junkfood #vaccines #safetybeforeprofit #USA #America #parenting

Would you eat junk food everyday and expect to have a healthy and fit body? Would you introduce heavy metals into your brain and expect to walk away unscathed? Would you listen to ā€™professionalsā€™ and ā€˜establishedā€™ voices who told you to disregard your own common sense and listen to them tell you that eating junk food and inserting heavy metals into your brain is totally safe and sound? We feed junk into our hearts and minds by listening to musicians play catchy beats with soul-degrading lyrics. We say  ā€˜yes, pleaseā€™ with a smile as our doctors tell us that nano-sized heavy metals will not affect our brains and they do not cause brain damage or what is blandly called, autism. The late-Bruce Lee defied incredible odds and was successful in facilitating a shift in the global culture by consistently harvesting a healthy and positive original attitude, a mindset which influenced his life actions. Because of his resoluteness tenacity, Mr. Lee trumped the ā€˜half-...

The Decay of Our Political System in the #UnitedStatesofAmerica & its Possible Revitalization / #JustGoForth #BeUnstoppable #newday

ā€œWhen in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with one another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natureā€™s God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.ā€ So sais the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America in its first opening salvo. A cannon shot heard across the world which would forever change the course of human events. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. When the top leadership position in our country is attainable by means of deceit and subtle craft democracy gets dealt a blow of epic proportions.  When a man or a woman reaches forth to the presidency in our modern era, they are stopped by an onslaught of political forces aimed at controlling the seat of power. The message that arrives is to in...

Empty Clouds of Paper Stardom Can Become Full-On Forces Of Love / #servantleadership #thisAmericanQuilt #insideout

Man that lives for himself is of no use to mankind or God. Man that cares not for the plight and well-being of others forgets the commandment to love and treat others as we want to be loved and treated. Certain springs of energy in our America society push the notion in America that we must get our own and demonstrate an aggressive approach in how we go about attaining our success. God's word sais that this kind of posturing is like empty clouds passing by that may seem to bring shade for a season to others, yet drop no water.  Do nationally-recognized singers, entertainers acknowledge the gravity of influence that their words have on the psyche of their fan base? Taking to task well-springs which influence the hearts and minds of American youth Find your voice, find your tempo, begin to sing and pique the intellectual process of others, rather than devolve your profession into name-calling and empty-swag backed by nothing. Should irresponsible artists be allowed to r...

The People Assemble to Surf / #ChainsofAir #Justice #WilliamShakespeare #EpicCommitment #SouthNorwalk

There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in the shallows and in miseriesā€¦ And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. -William Shakespeare The future has arrived, the flood is reaching its crescendo. The time to strike the iron with the hammer is about to reach its full pitch in South Norwalk, Connecticut. Grab your voices, bring your longboards and head out in to the water. Paddle out beyond the surf using the channel and meet in the lineup.  Strengthen your heart legs, Make your core flexible and ready to take the pounding of the waves; Push harder past the break, go forth beyond to the calmā€¦ Awaiting the next set, position yourself Ready with #EpicCommitment, ride it all the way in -William Stowell (Coach Bill) Scene 1 There are brothers and sisters of ours who are not given the oppo...

#Palestina - Dancing Justice into the Heart, Into the Mind / #positivedisruption #commnunity #MiddleEast #thisHumanQuilt

What is to be said and done to a people bereft of land and opportunity? Historically despised by many. Bottom of the barrel. Off-scouring. Fighters. Pushed around. What is to be said of a small people whom are typified as barbarians, rock throwers, harbingers of terrorism, rebel-rousers, aggressors, non-conformists, hijackers, an implacable people? Palestina. Palestine.  There are always two sides to a coin. In Gaza, what amounts to a high-tech security prison, nutritional and caloric intake is reduced purposefully for the whole population. This means that there is not enough healthy food apportioned to each Palestinian to grow strong, ruddy and vibrant. Neurological and physical health is dealt a heavy blow. According to established water authorities within Gaza, ninety percent of the potable drinking water is contaminated and not fit for drinking. Infrastructure that deals with water safety and its distribution was bombed out long ago and peters forward. The wo...