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Showing posts with the label capitalism

Donā€™t Just Be Another Brick In The Wall; #positivedisruption #education #theFreedomPapers

updated 10:04 est 4/24/18 Is it not so that we are surrounded with constant distraction? Like trains brought onto their tracks daily, our minds experience the movement on the tracks of our daily lives, chugging along swiftly with a sense of productivity, of doing, of living, working, studying, accomplishing and moving ā€˜ever upward.ā€™ But whoā€™s dreams are our dreams? Is it possible that the tracks of life on which we move were created by others long before, according to standard systems that support the present economy and reflect the educational upbringing fully synchronized to maintaining a status quo? What if thoughā€¦ what if, the standard system of economy we have maintains a status quo were a great many people within such a framework find it unattainable to make the kind of financial security needed to simply not always be working to live?  Can our work be our dream? Can we empower ourselves to make new dreams? Can an individual become a powerhouse of positive disr...