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Showing posts with the label Scalzi Skate Park

Action Letter for the @scalzioriginals foundation / a 501c3 entity #skateboarding #servantleadership

Action Letter for the Scalzi Originals Foundation  The creation of the foundation is purposed on the facilitation of positively disrupting educational instruction across the United States of Americaā€™s public and private systems, as much as it is an exercise in liberty fomenting  social responsibility through the generating of a culture of servant leadership. To this end, ground level operations began in the summer of 2015 in the U.S. state of Connecticutā€™s Fairfield County with ground zero being at the city of Stamfordā€™s Scalzi Skate Park. A relatively quiet sport, skateboarding has the ability to sync the brain and body in a constant fluid motion making it an excellent life skills activity for typical folk, but more poignantly, for individuals with special needs. These special needs include Downs Syndrome, Intellectual Disabilities and autism, but also include what is commonly known as attentional and executive function skill deficits. Primary act...

-Shifting Gears / @WashingtonVill #WashingtonOriginals #socent #edchat #startup #positivedisruption

The system of operations to raise up the Washington Originals shifts into second gear. Coaching staff is being confirmed and a second town hall amphitheater meeting is set to take place to share the lineup of projects for the youth and families. These include establishing a chess club, outfitting all Washington Originals with jerseys and discussing the funding of basic operations. As of now, Coach EJ, Coach Deuce, Coach Jimmy and Coach Kevin are in collaborative talks with me to facilitate the cognitive-physical programs for Ryan park. Aside from creating a theater and dance program, a chess club for the youth and families of South Norwalk is set to begin this very Fall of 2016. Last but not least, the establishment of a skateboard school that will be the sister arm of the Scalzi Originals Skateboarders in Stamfordā€™s Scalzi Skate Park is being established. I initially started my focus on South Norwalk. Having moved into Norwalk and looking to sign up at the local...