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Showing posts with the label literature

God So Loved The World / a #poem #literature

God so loved the world that he descended into it. He was willing to suffer the vessels fitted for destruction,   that the holy vessels may have an example to follow. His arrival was anticipated by the rulers of the world; in the hope of stopping Him, they killed all young children two and under He descended from above unto a world spiritually in darkness; He became a shining light unto others bringing hope of a better calling, a surety of a deeper purpose. His disciples fanned out far and wide, moved by the passion of his Holy Spirit; they willfully endured scorn, scoffing, murder, and persecution. God so loved the world, seeing its inevitable demise,  he willfully loved us, in spite of ourselves We altogether have fallen, having chosen the pleasures of this world for a short season, rather than the separation of our spirit from this world He drew us out of many waters; and he inscripted us in turn, to st...

Ever The Gentleman / a review of #CharlesDickens ā€˜David Copperfieldā€™ #literature #classics #criticalthinking

What is my Lord but the light in my life his spirit sais unto my spirit come reign with me It was started under such unfortunate circumstances, and flourished against all odds. The life of a fatherless and motherless boy, whoā€™s worth was scarcely valued that above an indentured servant. A mere trifle of a living, breathing thing, unvouched for and put aside without regard, was David Copperfield. A humanity stripped down to its most elemental form, a picture of how apathy destroys life, family and community. Silent heart-whispers of how alignment to Godā€™s will still works in ā€˜modern lifeā€™ from the most seemingly impossible positions; beautifully turning misfortune into the best kind of fortune. Such was the beginning of the life of David Copperfield, the protagonist in English author, Charles Dickensā€™ classic story by the same name. Family, in its most beneficial form, creates a comfort of love, respect and safety giving space to the developmental possibility o...

A Poem: A Christian Confronts The Simulation / #positivedisruption #freedom #liberty

Better  it is to be  of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:19 God through Solomon ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Part 1 a man of sorrows, you came unto your own, and your own received you not Creator of Heaven and Earth, your visage was marred beyond recognition by those you created Love itself, knowing the end from the very beginning You suffer the vessels of wrath staking your life as a ransom for your peculiar children Your sons and daughters you make kings, we cast our crowns before your throne Called because we are drawn Hope, our expectation of things to come My Lord and my Redeemer, Here I stand doing all I can do to endure Your words are sweeter than honey and the honeycomb and your spirit comforts my weary soul Joyfully, I despise the shame Joyfully, I despise the persecution ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ Part 2 With my own heart-eyes I saw manā€™s system I stood in front of it beholding...

The Woman Who Electrified Book Reading for Children / #reading #literature #servantleadership

It all first started when I was in college studying for my Political Science degree. On Summer and Winter breaks I would come home and her literature would be the focus of my sisterā€™s life. The commotion across the country regarding the literature could be felt in the air. Everywhere, young ones were reading her books, and not only that, reading them at incredible speeds. People could not get enough of her stories.  At the time I reflected on my own voracious interest in reading prior to diving into the study of philosophy and how this applied to the international relations between countries, countries and people and individuals contributive impact upon culture. Reading books was a thing of mine growing up. Both my mother and late-father were constant readers, especially Dad. He always had a new book he was reading and was an avid customer of book stores. I had my book shelves lined with my own read books. I appreciated my read books like the football trophyā€™s I woul...