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Showing posts with the label well-being

Super Mom's: Mothers are the new Dad's. / #thisAmericanQuilt #family

In an ideal family situation, children benefit from being raised by both of their parents. In many family homes though were the biological parents of a child are still together, the feeling of raising children as single-parents seems to be very prevalent. The traditional family set-up has the father going out to earn an income while the mother has the full-time job of raising the children and managing the home. This is the way it is for many families.  How does this impact the childhood of the children?  When these children grow up and start families of their own how do they manage their own role in shepherding their own families?  How do the children view the role of the mother who plays both parents in the absence of dad? What did the grown-up children learn to value (and not value) from the example of the parents? Is it alright for a parent to never be home because they must work all the time?  As you can imagine, this is not an easy topic to...