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Showing posts with the label new day

Our Shared Humanity and the Legacy of our African-American Pillars / #thisAmericanQuilt #positivedisruption #newday

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." Seventy-six years ago, an experiment was conducted called the Tuskegee Experiment. As stated on the official TuskegeeAirmen.Org web site, the experiment was aimed at proving that African-Americans were able to fly and maintain combat aircraft.  1. Does the fact that there  was  seen the need of such an experiment a signal of the warped views and racial perspectives during that era, just seventy-six years ago? 2. Do the men and women who made up the Tuskegee Airmen serve as beacons of positive change? The Tuskegee Institute in Alabama was a formidable aeronautics school in the United States, but soon enough it became home base for the World War Two Tuskegee Airmen fighter-pilot wing. The Tuskegee Airmen included men and women, black and white, operating in different capacities as a team. The elite African-American pilot unit was held to the highest standards and the first class of African-American figh...

It is Time to Rise Up for #EachOther / #brotherskeeper #PuertoRico #newlevel #community #SocEnt #thisAmericanQuilt

Puerto Rico... I am one of your sons. Could you imagine a new nation? Could you imagine a new day? Would it be possible that we could rise together, take the best of our past and shoulder on to the future with a new outlook on how life could be here on the island? I see armies of young adults with gladness in their hearts and passion in their bellies desirous to positively disrupt the way business is done. I see a Puerto Rico looking to catapult itself into a new dawn where the imagination of young and old metamorphosizes into one of entrepreneurial purpose. I see a Puerto Rico where young men and women, old timers and ladies move away from simply working to live and be happy, to a vision where our work becomes an adventure on bettering our island from the inside out. We have everything we need. Puerto Rico is special and unlike anywhere in the world. A land steeped in a unique culture. A people who are red, hot and full of life. We have natural resources and an agricultu...