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Showing posts with the label tennis

Were Buddha's Executive Function Skills Tip-Top?

Does one go on a long mission without first making adequate provisions?  Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) is a great example of a person who exemplified a lifestyle that continuously strengthened and toned his executive function skills. He did so while walking away from a life of endless material provisions. Was this smart? Shouldn't he at least have taken out a health care plan from his Dad's kingdom? Did he think this through? How accurate was his foresight during the time he changed his values and principles? Was he able to anticipate and predict what would happen to a high degree? Did he make a reckless decision?  So I ask the question again, does one go on a long mission without first making adequate provisions? What insights can we glean from the lifestyle changes in his life that correlate with keeping one's executive function skills toned? Aside from doing a whole lotta meditating, what were some of his other activities? Can parts of this lifestyle be replicated in the d...