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Showing posts with the label gmo's

Beating Ignorance with Truth: #Vaccines #Chemtrails & #BabyFormula

As a 10 year Special Educator, and as an Executive Function Skills coach, my primary duty is to differentiate my instructional approach and facilitate tailored self-management tools, strategies, and systems that support the student across the short and long-term. Executive function skills are housed in the frontal lobe of the brain and are commonly referred to as the orchestra conductor of the mind (different from brain). Our ability to manipulate, orchestrate, and direct actions, reactions, feelings, behavior, time and the way we go about thinking about our thinking are these 30 or so known executive function skills. I also happen to be a political scientist, although I have no work published in peer-reviewed journals of reputation. I look at the intertwining of micro and macro events on a local, national, and global scale, especially as it pertains to my focus on kids and young adults with ADHD, executive function skills deficits, or autism.  My political science lens compli...

Ignorance is bliss for a while: America's neurological storm

As a long board surfer of almost twenty years, having lived on O'ahu, Hawaii's famed North Shore, I have both experienced first hand and seen the immense power of crashing waves. It is quite a spectacle to behold especially if the breaking wave is coming on you. It is in that split second that I realize it is all coming down on me, that it is going to hold me down, scrape me against the reef, pummel me and then disorient me.  I am trained to use my energy smartly, since my body cannot come up for air. I literally meditate for 10-15 long seconds as the wave has its way with me. What can I do? Minimal energy expenditure to protect my head and face is all I can muster, knowing full well I must leave gas in the tank for the rest of the waves that will mercilessly crash on me to repeat the situation. You see, waves come in sets. You get stuck in the crash zone, and you will be there a while. the wave  sets come in 4-10 waves at a time. Your shoulders, back, arms, chest, and...