Critical Thinking & Access To The Forms Of Production: What Frederick Douglass Did And What The Incas Could Not Do / #edchat #politicalscience #theFreedomPapers #humanrights
Frederick Douglass At His Desk They ranged between seventy five and ninety years of age, hailing from Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico and Peruā¦ all of them American citizens. I sat with them to have a conversation in Spanish, wake up the neurons, and get some profound intellectual brainwork happening. As it is, being a political scientist, I was chairing the conversation to gather understanding of different view points once presenting the case formally before them. Below are the conclusions of the conversation: Economic and Cultural Oppression How do you realize, how do you see the characteristics of economic and cultural oppression if you are not trained for it? Societally ingrained perspectives compress into standardized ways of thinking; these perceptual constructs surround us since infancy that we can not see the intricate interplay of what could simply be politically-charged machinery, meant to condition, desensitize and push us into desired view points, like cogs in a tradi...