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Showing posts with the label Jr.

Sentinels In The Midst of Politicians / #theFreedomPapers #criticalthinking #media #education #government

Serious obstacles are in the way of how Americans approach conversing on a wide range of issues, and great challenges on what kind of leadership represents America have taken a seat in the domain of our governments leadership.  It seems to be that both Republican and Democratic Party congressional leaders can find common ground in matters of care taking for the natural environment and on immigration, if calm and collected congressional leaders can choose to work together for the good of these two issues. The divisive nature of how information is curated and released for public consumption, has played a vehemently divisive role in how the American people relate to any notion that progress can be had. This complex political strategy of how, when, and what kind of news information is released plays out straight as a game of what is known as ā€˜identity politicsā€™ on multiple stages stifling the organic, natural development of progress on any issue. Chief amongst the curator...

Individual Advocacy, Political Activism & the Cause of #Liberty / #USA #CivicDuty #BrothersKeeper #PositiveDisruption

As children in America we are raised to believe that we live in a democracy where each voice counts and that the liberties we enjoy are the fruit of a self-aware, outspoken and well-informed people. We are taught that liberty is not free, but has been fought for through all kinds of wars. We are taught that our vote counts and that we can be just about anything we want to be when we grow up. The reality is much different when idealism starts pushing at the hem of reality. There, in that place where ideas begin to manifest themselves into actual reality we begin to experience turbulence from other forces. In this essay, I explore the notion of individual advocacy, political activism and how political forces practice systemic underpinning of individual expression in our country. Further, I question the practicality of subjugating and undermining individual democratic activity as a means to continuously establish the political status quo of a larger group, such as our two majo...

Being a Maverick Thinker with Your #ExecutiveFunction Skills

Once we understand what our executive function skills are, we move to streamlining how well we use them, how they show up/ don't show up in our life. As we move through our understanding of how to better manage our ideas, feelings and actions, can their be soft and hard forces which are orchestrated with the focus of instilling in to to act... how to respond? Or is 'man' so free in mind, so independent, and so ahead of these forces that he is not affected, not thwarted in his goals, and not redirected easily? If we are to polish and tone these executive function skills so that we can harness the ability of our mind (a tool) to facilitate successful outcomes for ourselves, should we not start by bringing a critical eye to why we think the way we think? Is this not metacognition, or how we use our thought process to approach the world?  Using systems theory, any system that is accepted into a larger system invariably begins to affect tha...