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Showing posts with the label Team USA

Targeting Income Inequality with #EmpathicCapitalism / #business #SocEnt #economy #WallStreet #parents #teachers

Despite the incredible growth of the American stock market, ā€˜trickle-down economicsā€™ remains a misleading assumption that somehow the gains of the capitalist system will reach people who do not participate in it. It is true, the United States is the most capitalistic nation in the world, and our free market principle supplies our economy with the most unrestrained money-making mechanism clear across the planet. Yet, this is a tale of two cities. One in which capitalists endeavor and hustle; in which self-employed business men and women work towards creating work, creating income and creating opportunity, and one in which the rest of the people work for these, indirectly appreciating the gains of the economic creators. Yes, it happens to be that as capitalistic endeavors scale, employees indirectly benefit from the growth of the company, albeit, in a more limited way than the actual founder and or leader of the company. Now, in order to think like a capitalist, work as on...

The Golden Rule & The Duty of Critical Thinkers / #socialresponsibility #edchat #TeamUSA

updated 2:24 pm est 11/10/17 The idea of cultivating critical thinkers is easily a lofty ideal purported to be achieved throughout academia and espoused as the hallmark of journalistic integrity.  Achieving the critical thinking mind requires a certain bravery, wherein, once our ability to tap into our own knowledge of content matter is done, we must require it upon ourself to contrast our assessment and infer from an ā€˜outsidersā€™ point of view what is true and right and what is inaccurate and, even possibly, the propagandization of a special interest. . For the critical thinker, the affinity to discern is attached to our decision to look at the hard truth and favor this over our viewpoints, our political inclinations, and our stance on any given subject. This is hard to do. . In the following essay, I ask what exercise in democracy is achieved if political forces practice varying levels of indoctrination, in effect swaying public interest towards their ā€˜camp,ā€™ rather...

#ServantLeadership and #CriticalThinking Saves Our Countryā€™s Health / #edchat #TeamUSA

Through what means is a community best built? Where can the societal ingredients be found that can serve as the foundational bedrock for a nation as large as the United States of America? Through what means is a community best built? Where can the societal ingredients be found that can serve as the foundational bedrock for a nation as large as the United States of America? How do we move forward to better ourselves as a collective whole and still hearken to perfecting values that have upheld this American quilt for over two hundred and fifty years? Why do we apparently continue to have a union of American states after so much civil turmoil has beset us since the foundation of our country? Can America become stronger even as internal forces are poised to rip us apart? I learned Einsteinā€™s scientific formula from my high school math teacher that force equals mass times the speed of acceleration. This theory can be somewhat extrapolated beyond its originals application in ph...

#StateOfTheMedia: Propaganda as Truth / #positivedisruption #socialresponsibility #TeamUSA #criticalthinking

updated 7.14.17 They are supposed to give us the news. To let us know what is happening across the country and throughout the world. The most established of them have enough resources that they can have journalists in some of the mot far-flung regions of the planet. On television, their news broadcasters are polished, focused, confident and portray as likable people you may even have over for dinner. Something has happened though. Something has gone terribly wrong and there appears to be no desire to correct it. Just as American poet, Emily Dickinson once wrote, "tell the truth, but tell it ā€˜slant.ā€™ That is to say, in journalistic jargon, we do not get the ā€˜straight scoop,ā€™ but are given something elseā€¦ a narrative of informational montages collectively aimed at painting a greater picture across time.  In this essay, I posit that the greater portion of the established, corporate news media is giving us feeding us information packaged as the objective and unbiased truth...

The Freedom Essays; Number 3: Maintaining Critical Thinking Safeguards Freedom & Liberty / #TeamUSA #America #family #edchat

In not raising generations of critical thinkers we do a disservice to the principles on which the United States of America was founded upon. The ability to think objectively, without bias and in a goal-directed manner supports the threads of freedom and liberty and is a service to our country, specifically to the ideals that our founding fathers championed and established. In not raising generations of children, men and women to think independently for themselves, we run the risk of creating like-minded spheres of political influence at risk of being overrun by singular political forces. Without independent critical thinkers who can recognize the powerful value to society in their practice of advocacy, we then become a nation of followers resting our minds while giving our hearts to a select ā€˜eliteā€™ political class of individuals focused on achieving and sustaining power. It is in such ways that freedom dies not in battlefields of war where our soldiers gallantly serve on t...

How We 'Effed' Up Decades Ago on Immigration and a Blueprint Forward / #brotherskeeper #servantleadership #TeamUSA #America

ā€œā€¦the destruction of the poor is their poverty.ā€ Proverbs 10:15 Two full years have past in my readings of former President Ronald Reagan. It is now the winter of 1983, and in his diary, he has just completed his state of the union speech. I afford President Reagan great allowance in his diary, given that it must not contain all that he thought, decided or acted upon, but gives a summary of his day to day happenings, including his work, his family life, and his ever-present longing for his wife, Nancy. In the limited scope of his focus on the support of Latin America, I have read of his visits with the heads of state of many of the Spanish-speaking countries, his National Security Council meetings on the surge of communist ideologies throughout Central America and his actions to help and succor these nation-states therein. After going through his first two years, questions abound in me as to the Presidents true desire and conscious wherewithal to bring concerte...

Beware of the Dogs: Political Intimidation, Media Collusion & #ServantLeadership / #ImStillStanding #TeamUSA

The use of intimidation tactics to bully and sideline outspoken advocates with power to influence on social media was made apparent to me during these last two years. Far from writing an essay on myself, I still must describe what I have been put through as an independent political advocate who voted for Donald Trump. To be clear, I was attracted to various platforms he campaigned on: Safety before profit, in terms of the use of carcinogenic ingredients in vaccines, such as heavy metals which damage fragile developing brains.  His stance on protecting babies in the womb from being violently murdered in the name of liberty and freedom.  The protection of our second amendment in our bill of rights stating ā€œthe right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.ā€ His business acumen on a local, national and global level. The fact that he is an outsider and not a seasoned politician. When I publish an article, it goes out on over fifteen di...