"Destroy the family, you destroy the country." Vladimir Lenin What makes nations flourish is the strengthening and empowerment of its families. What makes nations implode (aside from another country invading) are the devaluing and breakdown of the family. Like a greenhouse garden that must be tended daily, the non-material wealth of your family has to also. Actions speak louder than words, yet thoughts can lead to action. Consider the following thoughts and suggestions for spending quality time with your family that you allow to be enjoyable to you also. To drum up non-material wealth: spend time reading 3-4 short stories to your kids every single night. make up a story to teach your kids something you deem important. Don't be so obvious. For example, I like to create conversation, turn taking stories where characters in my plot discuss, chit chat, have tea, fly on the occasional imaginary helicopter, save the princess, and fly on the whi...
For The Good Of The American Family & Individual: Youth, Adults, & Senior Citizens