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Showing posts with the label apathy

In God Our Spirits Become Unstoppable / #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption #saveAmerica

Set ups, frame ups, hidden agendas arrive my way. I rise up and laugh them off. You canā€™t stop me. I will continue to attack apathy. The world is small and flat. Prepare for intellectual and spiritual war. Throw me anywhere, I spring back. My spirit is unquenchable. ā€œBut if any man love God, the same is known by him.ā€ 1 Corinthians 8:3 Love is not just a soft feather.  Love is long-suffering, willing to endure onslaught and wrath. Love is magnanimous and unstoppable, fierce.  Love is the man and woman who says I shall not fade away from the sea of apathy before me. Can I live in peace with my neighbors and also fight the gross apathy of the American heart? Can I fight the evil that is abortion and maiming of human brains with unsafe vaccine practices and still walk at peace on the streets of the land? Can I bring my heart to the fore and all my drive to quash this apathy and destroyer of all that is the United States of America...

How do we meet apathy and positively disrupt is as whole country? / #socialentrepreneurship #socent #America #empathy #positivedisruption

Is social entrepreneurship a giant key to opening up new energies for the United States of America? Could it be a collective answer by the country to respond to many of the disheartening events and circumstances that have become a part of the American experience? How do we answer the rise of mass-murder tragedies?  Do we not have to meet apathy with empathy at some point? How do you impact the culture to cause a small, yet seismic shift in focus? We Work Together Something close to the answer of those questions is integrating revolutionary thought with capitalistic principles. Some call these kinds of people unstoppable in pursuing the empowerment of others on an individual and group-level. Younger generations are motivated to serve their local, national and even global communities in creative ways that make life better for individuals. Social Entrepreneurs, or self-employed individuals whoā€™s missions are aimed at alleviating or rectifying the pligh...

Being Electric: The Legacy of Kunta Kinte / #apathy #Norwalk #Connecticut #positivedisruption #servantleadership

Professor Le Februe was not at all liked by the rowdy 8th grade middle school Social Studies class. He was mild-mannered, in his mid-forties and would be teased by the bully's in the class he taught. There were at least thirty students in each of his classes. Mine was no different. One day he brought in a movie to class to compliment the readings we were doing on slavery in America. It was a series of films following the fictionalized account of a slave, Kunta Kinte, and his family from the time he was kidnapped in Africa to the time forty acres and a mule were given as a token of freedom to his descendants generations later. Kunta Kinte entered my life with each whiplash he received and his constant goal-directed persistence to be free at last. His heart was untamable. His spirit would not break, bend as it did. For me, watching the series of movies called, 'Roots,' brought my eyes and mind to see first hand the cruelty of enslaving humanity for profit and how this...

Going #Airborne for my new friend, Price / #socialresponsibility #aNewDay #MovingFast #BigFish #renegades

Today is Friday, November 12, 2015 ..and what happened that made you change your mind?  and how far did you go to change your heart? and what moved you to let go?  and how is it that you go to sleep?  how do you rise?  and what is it at mid-day that makes you tick?  and how do we tell each other how we feel when we walk by each other? and what makes you turn away? and what makes you not care? and what makes you check out? and what makes us check in? It was slow at first, but I held my stance and gravitation took hold.  Soft and hard polished edges a clear purpose a settled heart and a bed that is made make it easy to make new friendships when the time and space is there.  All my new friends were either sons and fathers. Soon enough I will go up to bat for my new friends. Let the chips fall where they may and may God have our back as we move cautiously forward in the eye of a peculiar hurricane. ...

Call Us Servant Teachers of Steel / #AllIn for Your Heart / #Brooklyn #SuccessAcademy #NewYorkTimes #dignity

Today is Monday, November 2, 2015. Am I concerned like others about the health of the charter school education culture at ā€˜Failure Academyā€™ in Fort Greene, Brooklyn?ā€¦ I mean ā€˜Success Academyā€™ as they call themselves? Let me begin by venturing forward that the onus is on the educators, on the education culture and the system that stems from it to adapt and morph to the students, rather than the students to it. It is the mark of a true clinical educator to humble themselves to the ground, if it must be, in order to support the complete growth of the student. Not the students to the education system. This is how the best of us do it. This is empathy with all pistons firing. This is what it means to be ā€¦.#HotterThanFireforOthers. Yet, it appears that high-mindedness and apathy rule the day in the overly-principled halls of madness existent in the minds of the administration of these Brooklyn charter schools. This foundational truth is lost on people such as: CEO of t...

Suspending #Apathy in the Age of #SocialResponsibility / #socialgood #epicCommitment #children #America

We live in a chaotic, tumultuous  time. What is right seems wrong and what is wrong seems right.  Truly, the constant pain and grief experienced by families who have put forth their children to serve our land cannot be fathomed. What can be said when a police officer is gunned down? What do you tell his mother? What do you tell his son? How is that son supposed to not get jaded growing up in a society which makes light of killing cops through music and a pervasive attitude to buck that which upholds communities? What happens to mindsets when this reality continues unabated?  I see the pain and anger in the face of many of our fellow police officersā€¦even when they smile.    The fact that it is their duty to go all out for our protection at every moment does not get lost on me. Surely, we have many days of relative peace and daily life can appear to seem monotonous. The lady cop directing traffic is not performing rocket science as she waves car...