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Showing posts with the label fishing

The Empathic Capitalist: Non-Political News From the Social Entrepreneurial Front / #PuertoRico #positivedisruption

Santurce, Puerto Rico, USA Latest News: After speaking at length with various municipal government offices, one of them suggested that a signature petition effort to organize the local community around the formalization of the skatepark, garden, and fishing area would serve as a bulwark against government expropriation and possible purchase of the property by a private owner. The ā€˜Parque Punta Las Marias,ā€™ situated in San Juan, Puerto Ricoā€™s Atlantic coast in the Santurce neighborhood of Punta Las Marias, is heavily protected land by the local residents looking to keep it as a place of urban respite. It has been ground zero for a non-violent, community-driven turfwar symbolizing a microcosm of what has been happening to the island itself. Deep in bond debt, Puerto Ricoā€™s government has looked to develop local industry, garner outside investment, and sell-off land in order to stay as close to solvency as possible. At the same time, many Puerto Ricans have become increasingly invo...