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Showing posts with the label poverty

The Success of Selflessness / #newera #empathiccapitalism #SocEnt

If it be so that you have a desire to develop, strengthen and care for the local, national and global community, it is important that you care for yourself first, less you begin to build a house without having made the appropriate provisions bountiful. Having great amounts of money and a personality is not enough, nor is having pristine physical health alone the winning attribute, but a penchant for developing the whole package of who you areā€¦ from the inside out first, rather than the outside in. Our mindsets, for example, drive us to hone our skills, rather than having great skills being the precursor to achieving a great mindset. Mental clarity, confidence and the unstoppable spirit needed to keep going long after you have begun the journey to make things better for others have to be notions to be kept in mind. Not knowing that the growth and fine-tuning of our heart and mindset is of tremendous value, risks an expenditure of your life energy without recompense for your...

Empty Clouds of Paper Stardom Can Become Full-On Forces Of Love / #servantleadership #thisAmericanQuilt #insideout

Man that lives for himself is of no use to mankind or God. Man that cares not for the plight and well-being of others forgets the commandment to love and treat others as we want to be loved and treated. Certain springs of energy in our America society push the notion in America that we must get our own and demonstrate an aggressive approach in how we go about attaining our success. God's word sais that this kind of posturing is like empty clouds passing by that may seem to bring shade for a season to others, yet drop no water.  Do nationally-recognized singers, entertainers acknowledge the gravity of influence that their words have on the psyche of their fan base? Taking to task well-springs which influence the hearts and minds of American youth Find your voice, find your tempo, begin to sing and pique the intellectual process of others, rather than devolve your profession into name-calling and empty-swag backed by nothing. Should irresponsible artists be allowed to r...

The Pursuit Of Happiness in South Norwalk, Connecticut / #gentrification #SouthNorwalkCommunityCenter @Norwalk_CT

For a time, injustice will seem to rule the day, yet the ballast in our hearts drive us collectively to shine light into every corner and eventually unjust ways meet an end. Damage can also be done by the hearts and minds of those who look to serve themselves and their agendas over the plight of others. People like this live in heart-poverty and have narrow thinking. They even go as far as to look to enlist others in their doomed mission with persuasion, manipulation, bribery, rewards and coercion. Of all the injustices found, one of the greatest is poverty. Poverty of the mind, of the heart and of the body. It can be inflicted on a whole mass of people and has been used repeatedly as a master weapon against people. Sir Francis Bacon, for example, said that ā€˜knowledge is power.ā€™ In purposefully keeping people ignorant and disempowered you can exact subtle control, influence and power over them. You can easily divide them, search out their would-be leaders and subjugate ...

Faith by Works / #SouthNorwalk #gentrification #apathy @Norwalk_Ct #positivedisruption

Gentrification is a legal way of ethnic cleansing. It is a process through which cities and states award projects, grants and monies to 're-develop' land and make it 'nicer'. On the surface it looks like progress. Construction vehicles and cranes come in giving the semblance that a town is 'on the move' to better itself. New residential buildings are built, streets are repaved, trees may be planted and a children's park may be birthed. Ceremonies whereby politicians and private business pat each other on the back on a job well-done would make the front page of your local newspaper and all seems well in the world. But under the surface a nest of rats and serpents plot and align special interest to take care of each other and reign supreme. If you scratch the surface just a little questions surge up. When redevelopment is done in a poverty-stricken town, such as South Norwalk, Connecticut, does that not begin to raise the cost of living in that i...

#Hoarding - Filling the Voids in the Heart & Mind / #family #community #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption

In my last blog post, I spoke, in part, of the Jesuit-philosophy and its impact in my childhood upbringing and graduate studies. A Jesuit I am not though. That said, the underpinnings central to its credence can easily be viewed as somewhat universal. In the instruction of man and woman, that the educator and learner seek to empower mind, body and soul (the heart). This balance is pivotal to forming and maintaining health within us and by extension, our communities. Keeping the physical body toned and in shape is smart, as is keeping the mind in good physical and emotional health. Moreover, the state of oneā€™s non-physical ā€˜heart,ā€™ as in the soul, is of vital importance as well. A lack of balance in one of these three will always manifest itself in some way, shape or form in our lives, placing pressure on the other aspects of our being. Balance is good then and heeding or acting on this understanding is wise and fruitful to one, their family and the community they live in. ...

Have a Dream,Tell a Dream, Do a #Dream

You can't stop a fella' who has a dream. I have a dream, and I will tell you a dream, and I am doing my dream. My dream serves many purposes and it is my desire to please God. In my dream, I rapidly raise the quality of life of children and adults with autism, ADHD, and executive function skill deficits. In my dream, I use creative and innovative approaches to make what was once thought impossible...possible. In my dream, I teach kids with autism to be acclimated to living outside their comfort zone. In my dream, I work with kids, teenagers and parents at the poverty level to rapidly develop their executive function skills through the context of customized entrepreneurship. In my dream, I am a servant-leader empowering others to be servant-leaders who give back to their community. In my dream, I am a small light that brings hope into hearts, and I watch that light go from heart to heart. I have a dream. I dream that families who think they are destitute see that their is hope a...