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Showing posts with the label divorce

Mommies & The Single Parent Home / #resilience #grit #family #epiccommitment

The role of the father in the life of their children cannot be underestimated. Itā€™s absence or presence directly impacts the rise and fall of a community. That said, the role of the mother is as equally pivotal as well. Many a times, it is the mother who is the safety net and ā€˜fall-backā€™ position for children when crisis, emergencies or divorce break up the family unit. In my line of work as a Special Educator of 13 years across multiple states ranging from Massachusetts to Hawaiā€™i, I have seen and experienced first hand the ins and outs of families that go through the gauntlet of divorce, drug use, violenceā€¦and apathy. As a male and a  father of three, I am sad to say that a lot of the times, the father is the one who is no longer in the picture. This is a hard truth, more so as we go down the socio-economic ladder. In Hawaiā€™i for example, the prevalent use of hard drugs, such as crystal meth, has delivered a super-blow to many families. Dadā€™s in these situations end...

The Family Unit Under Attack-The importance of Dad

In today's society, it is my opinion that the cohesiveness, the unity of the traditional family is being threatened by outside competing interests. The family time together loses out routinely to members watching tv, socializing on the computer, talking on the phone, playing video games, overwork, partying, etc. Father figures who make great efforts to be present more often are needed. Boundaries and parameters need to be drawn by which children are shown right ways of living from wrong ways of living. It is always good to monitor the state of your connection to the family, if your a Father. Aside from being the traditional bread winner, how do you contribute to the family cohesiveness? Caring Fathers who work with mothers as a team are actively role modeling the very duties the children will hopefully one day do. Likewise, Fathers who make extra efforts to work issues and problems out in a way that is loving, caring, and not demeaning teach their kids the value of not ...

Part 2 of 3: Family Unit Under Attack: Strengthening the middle

A strong family unit is essential in helping children, especially those with special needs, learn essential life skills. In a traditional two parent home, it is imperative that parents get rest and relaxation, yet this has become more of a luxury these days, especially in the fast-paced urban life. I believe that parents should look to ensure that they are able to decompress an unwind daily. This makes them better parents, which makes for a stronger family dynamic where the children get the best of their parents. Achieving this balance is not hard at all, and can be done, and needs to be done. Some ways parents can rest are by taking an epsom salt bath. Put two cups of the magnesium salt into a warm bath tub and soak for 20-25 minutes. Your muscles, bones, and joints will feel refreshed, the skin gets cleansed, and any kind of bodily inflammation is soothed. Last of all, it enhances mood.  Another self-regulation tool parents can make part of their weekly routine is to ...