Suspending #Apathy in the Age of #SocialResponsibility / #socialgood #epicCommitment #children #America
We live in a chaotic, tumultuous time. What is right seems wrong and what is wrong seems right. Truly, the constant pain and grief experienced by families who have put forth their children to serve our land cannot be fathomed. What can be said when a police officer is gunned down? What do you tell his mother? What do you tell his son? How is that son supposed to not get jaded growing up in a society which makes light of killing cops through music and a pervasive attitude to buck that which upholds communities? What happens to mindsets when this reality continues unabated? I see the pain and anger in the face of many of our fellow police officersā¦even when they smile. The fact that it is their duty to go all out for our protection at every moment does not get lost on me. Surely, we have many days of relative peace and daily life can appear to seem monotonous. The lady cop directing traffic is not performing rocket science as she waves car...