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Showing posts with the label poetry

One Nation Under God / #education #family #civicduty #newera #theFreedomPapers

The backbone of the United States of America is made up of interlocking parts, needful of being identified and protected, strengthened and cherished. The traditional family unit is one of these spinal parts, as are patriotic men and women whom value and invest heart, mind and body towards the protection of American freedoms and liberties. Both of these, the family and those who are upholders of the principles of true freedom and liberty, we would think, have no real present threats. After all, one need only look down most Main Streets in middle-class to affluent American towns to find the same picture repeated over and over again, like a Norman Rockwell painting that never loses its varnish. Dads, Moms and their kids can be seen out in the community sport fields, cafés, sidewalks and parks in timeless motion year after year in what seems to be relative paradise. Their is peace through strength. Police officer men and women, firefighters, and paramedics patrol ceaselessly in servi...

“…and David danced before the Lord with all his might..” 2 Samuel 6:14a / #HonoringGod 12/24/17 #God #JesusChrist #poem #remembrance #servantleaders

He does not faint, nor does he weary. His Word does not wane, but shines brighter and brighter to his coming day. I said in retreat, “Lord, look what has become of it?!” He pointed me back to all He said. Searching Him, I found Him seeking me. I thought to myself, what is it to be a Christian? Paul said it is a profession, Lila said it was not enough to be a Christian, but to go forth and be an active Christian. Your words became as in the time of Daniel. Inside of me I have kept them. Sharing that which is sweeter than honey and the honeycomb with my children If there be any hope, please Lord, that they may love your Word; that it may guide their heart and mind. ………………………………. Before he graced us as the express image of God, the Lord Jesus Christ was the delight of His Father, and the apple of His eye. He became a little lower than the host of angels, a created host of ministering spirits sent to minister on Him and His children. Daniel ask...

A Poem: A Christian Confronts The Simulation / #positivedisruption #freedom #liberty

Better  it is to be  of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:19 God through Solomon ………………. Part 1 a man of sorrows, you came unto your own, and your own received you not Creator of Heaven and Earth, your visage was marred beyond recognition by those you created Love itself, knowing the end from the very beginning You suffer the vessels of wrath staking your life as a ransom for your peculiar children Your sons and daughters you make kings, we cast our crowns before your throne Called because we are drawn Hope, our expectation of things to come My Lord and my Redeemer, Here I stand doing all I can do to endure Your words are sweeter than honey and the honeycomb and your spirit comforts my weary soul Joyfully, I despise the shame Joyfully, I despise the persecution ……………… Part 2 With my own heart-eyes I saw man’s system I stood in front of it beholding...

Poem For The Fallen and For Those Who Serve US / #servantleaders @usarmedforces #poetry

The tombstones all look the same though they are inscribed each with a different name. There are millions of them across the land, some well-kept, some leaning, grey and forgotten. The mass of them seems to become to much to respectfully comprehend, yet each of the earthly graves holds long dead and dry bones which once walked. Each was a sacrifice, each was special.  Each had a mother each had a father a brother, perhaps a sister a grandfather, a grandmother Each had teachers, perhaps a preacher too. Some where married, some where too young to know love But they did have love Their love was the greatest love that could be given That of giving one’s life for another So says my Lord… Each held their stance Each took a stand of love Each forsook their own liberty Inscripted into an armed force They fought for ours In the rain, in the darkness in the loneliness of the watch In the pain of war In the silence of the night In the c...

Things That Matter / Two Poems & a Reflection

Things That Matter Clean running rivers matter Music that calms the heart matters Parents who adore their children matter Finding time for good laughter and dancing matters. Is it only when we loose everything, or have everything taken away that we begin to appreciate what we had? More than money and things, the people in our lives matter the most. The money can purchase comfort and security, but it can not buy us love and fulfillment. I know this. You know this. My childhood family use to be very wealthy. We had everything. We had an over abundance of money, houses, exotic vacations, the best schools, fast sport cars, nice clothes and money in the bank. But the Lord giveth and He taketh. Who can understand Him? Though he lives in us and dwells in us, his ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not our thoughts. As an adolescent, I had asked Him to make me a Field General in his army. An army that you cannot see with your eyes, but only feel with your...

We are Born in the Womb & with Care, We Grow #InsideOut / #risetogether #EpicCommitment #America

We are born and with care, we grow.  It has been and still is a fact that some people are born without the right to live. Others can own this right over them. We live in a day and age where this still occurs in just about every major city in the United States of America. During the time of the U.S. Civil War, which ended in the beginning of the summer of 1865, human beings with dark skin pigmentation fought shoulder to shoulder with others who thought and felt that all men and women had the right to God-given rights to live at peace and be able to pursue their happiness as they see fit. No longer could someone in America ‘own’ another person. This included having a say in the life of a pregnant woman and the growing human being in her womb, the life of an elderly man, or a young child. The slave master owned that person against their will. Forty acres and a mule robbed from their families abruptly taken from their land ‘galleyed' in the lower decks of b...

#Palestina - Dancing Justice into the Heart, Into the Mind / #positivedisruption #commnunity #MiddleEast #thisHumanQuilt

What is to be said and done to a people bereft of land and opportunity? Historically despised by many. Bottom of the barrel. Off-scouring. Fighters. Pushed around. What is to be said of a small people whom are typified as barbarians, rock throwers, harbingers of terrorism, rebel-rousers, aggressors, non-conformists, hijackers, an implacable people? Palestina. Palestine.  There are always two sides to a coin. In Gaza, what amounts to a high-tech security prison, nutritional and caloric intake is reduced purposefully for the whole population. This means that there is not enough healthy food apportioned to each Palestinian to grow strong, ruddy and vibrant. Neurological and physical health is dealt a heavy blow. According to established water authorities within Gaza, ninety percent of the potable drinking water is contaminated and not fit for drinking. Infrastructure that deals with water safety and its distribution was bombed out long ago and peters forward. The wo...

#BokoHaram: #Poetry is a Sword Cutting through w/o Shedding Blood / #heartmatter

#BokoHaram  It is not our problem. We are not our 'brothers keepers.' Let it be and focus on your own.  We have done enough.  There they go. My brother, my sister. I know not your name My heart searches for yours Your vacant stare Of all hope that has flown away You matter not Life stops being sacred Apathy establishes itself Somewhere birds fly away from the tops of trees For more, go to http://www.CoachBill.US Twitter.Com @CoachBill007 Instagram: CoachBill007 Youtube: CoachBill007

Expanding the Battle to #DoTheRightThing by Banding Together / #allin for #community #positivedisruption

(updated 12/22/15) How do we go about creating and sustaining awareness? How does a person… a community…foster a ripple effect of social responsibility? How shall I be an agent of positive disruption in my community? Why not? Life is short and the days fly by. The Boss (Springsteen) said that we can’t start something if we are always worried about our own world falling apart. He is right! No time to sit idly by or ‘wallow in the mire.’ No longer content to hang back, it is always the time to put the shoulder to the plow for others, especially those who are needy, disadvantaged or forgotten.  It is a new day. There are diamonds where people see them not and there is apathy where all seems well.  The land is ripe for positive disruption. It is time to band together. I story dance a new song You must also Releasing thought and feeling Channelling hope and pain Making amends where it is needed Doing the right thing first Banding together c...