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Showing posts with the label apartheid

Man In The Mirror / #power of #forgiveness #NelsonMandela #SouthAfrica #apartheid

The power of forgiveness is a mighty, yet misunderstood strength. It is somewhat silent and subtle in its doing. It is seldom seen or experienced and when it does manifest it is underrated. The act of forgiveness is a personal journey of letting go of wrongs and trespasses done onto one and it seems to absolve the perpetrator of all wrong doing. It seems to at least. The truth is far more powerful. Victims can easily become perpetrators by exacting revenge using the ancient  'eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' principle. A child who has been neglected and abused in her upbringing may know no other recourse but to walk the same learned lines she was taught in her youth. History repeats itself in this way. Cycles remain unbroken and wrong actions are consciously or unconsciously taught to new generations.  Once in a long while though, a person of a different mark will break the mold and step out of the norm magnanimously. In our modern day there are few that fi...