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Showing posts with the label cancer

We Dug The Hole And Laid The Tree Gently In / #family #life #death #cancer #renewal

We dug the hole and laid the tree gently in. With our bare hands Dad and I firmed the soil around it. I remember my Dad next to me. We placed it in the midst of a land that had experienced tremendous pain, the land of my late-aunt, Elenita. Her first born died within weeks of being born, then her second-born, Maria Elena, a graduate of Boston College and Babson was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently passed away. Maria Elena had been building playgrounds in eastern Europe with the non-profit organization championed by President James Carter, Habitat for Humanity. This was in the years after the Chernobyl nuclear fallout. Her work with the organization was not far from it. The whole family went through the saga of her long and drawn-out fight and death. It utterly brought us all to the ground in a gut-wrenching, yet beautiful way. There where constant communal prayers that involved Elenitaā€™s and Maria Elenaā€™s friends, special family dinners, and constant visits. ...

Raise your kids IQ 10-20%, Prevent #Cancer; Protect the #Executive Function Skills

Caveat* Iodine has been removed from almost all US consumption... Why? Who'd want to shortchange us and our families? Apparently, taking an appropriate dosage of iodine a day raises you intelligence by 10-20%. Incidentally, iodine deficiency robs you of peak executive function skill performance and sets the stage for mental retardation in babies that are in womb.    NYTimes article on I.Q. & iodine In a post-Fukushima continous daily nuclear meltdown world (;>), iodine becomes a protector of your thyroid, and your families thyroid, and can prevent a great range of cancers from manifesting. This is especially pertinent if you live on a Pacific Ocean-bordering country. Taking iodine, and even storing a bit of it is a good hedge against cancer and losing your intellectual capacity. Over time, this leads to dementia, and paves the way for Alzheimer's. This has happened before on massive levels, and is currently happening today on a massive level. Check out ...