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Showing posts with the label single parent homes

Mommies & The Single Parent Home / #resilience #grit #family #epiccommitment

The role of the father in the life of their children cannot be underestimated. Itā€™s absence or presence directly impacts the rise and fall of a community. That said, the role of the mother is as equally pivotal as well. Many a times, it is the mother who is the safety net and ā€˜fall-backā€™ position for children when crisis, emergencies or divorce break up the family unit. In my line of work as a Special Educator of 13 years across multiple states ranging from Massachusetts to Hawaiā€™i, I have seen and experienced first hand the ins and outs of families that go through the gauntlet of divorce, drug use, violenceā€¦and apathy. As a male and a  father of three, I am sad to say that a lot of the times, the father is the one who is no longer in the picture. This is a hard truth, more so as we go down the socio-economic ladder. In Hawaiā€™i for example, the prevalent use of hard drugs, such as crystal meth, has delivered a super-blow to many families. Dadā€™s in these situations end...