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Showing posts with the label passion

The Success of Selflessness / #newera #empathiccapitalism #SocEnt

If it be so that you have a desire to develop, strengthen and care for the local, national and global community, it is important that you care for yourself first, less you begin to build a house without having made the appropriate provisions bountiful. Having great amounts of money and a personality is not enough, nor is having pristine physical health alone the winning attribute, but a penchant for developing the whole package of who you areā€¦ from the inside out first, rather than the outside in. Our mindsets, for example, drive us to hone our skills, rather than having great skills being the precursor to achieving a great mindset. Mental clarity, confidence and the unstoppable spirit needed to keep going long after you have begun the journey to make things better for others have to be notions to be kept in mind. Not knowing that the growth and fine-tuning of our heart and mindset is of tremendous value, risks an expenditure of your life energy without recompense for your...

Changing Our Ways: Exercising From The #Insideout / #passion #purpose #brotherskeeper

The older we get the harder it is to change our ways. Our ways form mental habits complete with brain circuitry, like roads which facilitate our thinking patterns. These can be changed and the younger we are, the more apt our mental flexibility is, allowing us to change the course of our habits like pivoting on a dime. Setbacks on the road to bring about real change in our life can stem from lack of clarity of purpose, low physical energy, inadequate support by family and community and a non-serving attitude which toughens our hearts against instilling lasting positive changes. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ Recently, I have been asked what I do for a living many times. I give my generic, surface answersā€¦ I am a Special Educator, I am an artist, an Executive Function Skills Coach and co-founder and teacher in a skateboard company start-up. I am then asked what kind of art I make, to which I reply, I create dance videos which are focused at changing the way special education i...

Dancing to Think Independently / #autism #passion #parents #selfaffirmation

Think independently and practice being an independent doer by dancing your way forward. The act of dancing is self-affirming and releases the body from a limited range of daily motion. Practicing self-affirmation on a daily basis strengthens the resolve of a person to think more independently. For individuals on the autism spectrum, self-affirmation and independent thought are a lifeline of communication. I foster its development and believe in the power of dancing to positively disrupt the machinations of the brain. Dancing, like the conducting of music can be a formidable strategy in bringing what is on the inside to the outside. It is rapid and direct. Most of the children, adolescents and young adults I currently coach who are on the autism spectrum or with a severe disability greatly benefit from it and respond favorably to physical movement to the sound of music. Dancing changes them. Afro-Cuban salsa makes them smile and laugh. They step out of a shell and outside th...

Managing the Home / Managing the Country - #softskills #AbrahamLincoln #family #USA #mentalflexibility

Running a country parallels raising a family in some aspects. They both require commitment and passion day in and day out. Commitment is a mindful decision that plays out in consistent action whereas passion is having a clear vision, having 'fire in the belly' and knowing how to be motivated towards a worthwhile goal. Without these two, one will be hard-pressed to get much of anything done, or get anyone to also invest in the common goals. Just like families have to work together for the benefit of the children (the future), managing a country, such as the United States of America requires a clear understanding of what it is all for. On a local level, such as a family home relationships matter. Taking care of and fostering rapport between the parents AND the  parent and child is pivotal in setting up future interaction and harmony within the family unit. This involves putting the needs of others before our own and that action speaks louder than words directly to the ...

A #Poem - #ExtremeSpecialEd Engineering in Mid-Air

Mashing up Henry Fordā€™s assembly line,  Dr. Temple Grandinā€™s low-stress, max process ingenuity,  and cutting-edge music by groundbreaking artistsā€¦  @Vaskimmusic @flightfac @touchsensitive  @henrykrinkle_ @mansionair @imdurante  @cyrilhahn @flumemusic @chet_faker   @londongrammar  @shyboy Falling in mid-air Blindfolded feeling way through Tinkering, eliminating, stripping, fitting, callibrating Passion-driven teaching  slicing atmosphere Entrepreneurial teaching  heart and soul smidgen behind for my sanity Jet propulsion on-line now Phase one wiring complete Ground rapidly approaching Falling mid-air the engineer on the engine hammering, tightening, loosening passion enters knowledge makes room experience keeps itself quiet passion moves  hearts beat in sync Ground..rapidly approaching Igniting thrusters in the last moments before impact salty dried te...