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Showing posts with the label power

Man In The Mirror / #power of #forgiveness #NelsonMandela #SouthAfrica #apartheid

The power of forgiveness is a mighty, yet misunderstood strength. It is somewhat silent and subtle in its doing. It is seldom seen or experienced and when it does manifest it is underrated. The act of forgiveness is a personal journey of letting go of wrongs and trespasses done onto one and it seems to absolve the perpetrator of all wrong doing. It seems to at least. The truth is far more powerful. Victims can easily become perpetrators by exacting revenge using the ancient  'eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' principle. A child who has been neglected and abused in her upbringing may know no other recourse but to walk the same learned lines she was taught in her youth. History repeats itself in this way. Cycles remain unbroken and wrong actions are consciously or unconsciously taught to new generations.  Once in a long while though, a person of a different mark will break the mold and step out of the norm magnanimously. In our modern day there are few that fi...

True Leadership & Power Rests in the Spirit of Servant Leaders / #positivedisruption #unstoppable #thisAmericanQuilt

What are true leaders? Do we covet fame? Do we covet the people's acknowledgement of our effort, our work, our success in our endeavors?  What is true leadership? Is our passion and conviction beholden to polls? No. That is vanity. A true leader moves silently, does the work and moves out without letting you know he was there. A true leader does not seek the spotlight and gives credit to the team putting the least first. This is servant leadership. How large can a true leader become when she does not seek adulation? How powerful does their influence become across the land when they do not stop to be praised in the parades? What understanding can be gleamed from this kind of leader? What is true power? How does the servant leader retain power over the ordinary political leader?  How does the servant leader exercise coup de etats left and right without physical armies? How does he retain power and bring his opponents to heal? :) Faster than a speeding bullet...

Our #SocialResponsibility to #Police Officer #RandolphHolder / #UnconditionalLove #guncontrol #community #socialgood

Unconditional love keeps its strength in the face of hopelessness It wonā€™t let itself be bought It wonā€™t let itself be sold Real power comes not in material possessions.  Real power is not measured by the size of a bank account. It does not emanate from some geographic location.  It is not found in the power of the gun, or the fist.  Real power emanates from hearts that love unconditionally. This kind of power is very real and present. Some of it keeps communities safe and sound. It keeps families calm knowing that this power does not go to sleep. It is on twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, year after year, without rest. The hearts that pump this love forward work relentless hours. Always on-call. Ready at a momentā€™s notice to answer the call of duty. Some of us honor them. Some of us judge them. Some of us donā€™t care about them. But all of us are taken care of by them. These hearts belong to heroā€™s. They have names. One of them...