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Showing posts with the label socent

Skateboards For Hope #interview #SocEnt #goodwill #skateboarding #global #Servantleadership

Having vision and purpose to affect our local, national and global culture is a lofty and noble idea which may sound nice but in reality, involves sacrifice, smart work, focus, effort, patience and tremendous perseverance. In our stock market driven global economy, money is king and lots of it seems to be sign of success. But is it possible that their are some success stories which are perhaps more important than the dollar given the time money has  historically had to bring about positive change in the limelight? Can business and goodwill somehow create a marriage made in heaven? How do we bring about hope and positive change into the life of people when we are not the heads of multi-national corporations with deep pockets?  As part of the continued growth of the social enterprise endeavor I am spearheading, one that brings together typical and special needs youth into the American Originals Skateboarding League, my interest in other similar, yet different soci...

Re-Threading The American Quilt / #socialgood #socent #socialresponsibility

updated 9:48 am 4/7/17 Yesterday I entered a level four maximum security jail. I had a volunteer interview with the chaplain there. I saw no inmates and only entered into the administrative section of the jail to have a conversation with the chaplain on my social enterprise proposal. We discussed the viability of a key component of my proposal, that of physically revitalizing the Bridgeport, Ct. playgrounds after a collaborative grant search and acquisition of funds to purchase new equipment, along with any possible training needed for the first round of inmates I would theoretically be working with. The idea is to have the men give back to the community and to themselves by beautifying the communal environment of the city and therein, through their work, that they do ā€˜soul workā€™ in the process of the physical exertion and mission of the endeavor. To this the chaplain let me down gently, explaining that though my proposal was a good one, given the security level of the jai...

Marching To Take Back America Full-Throttle / #positivedisruption #guns #America #SocEnt #allin

What will be the answer to the gun violence that continues on our American streets? How will we navigate protecting the second amendment and also keep the guns out of the wrong hands? Even with the toughest background checks it is not wholly unrealistic to assume that guns will end up in the wrong hands. Doing away with guns altogether is not the answer, yet an armed populace is an important counter balance to a very well-armed national government.  As the most armed country in the world we actually practice a great deal of responsible gun ownership when you consider the amount of weaponry owned by individuals compared to the level of gun violence that is perpetuated.  A 17-year old youth was shot in point-blank range in his temple in New York City this last weekend, another was gunned down in front of over forty police officers. The New York Post sais that, as with this case, even with a phalanx of police officers presence, even with flood lights ligh...