Skateboards For Hope #interview #SocEnt #goodwill #skateboarding #global #Servantleadership Posted by Unknown on May 03, 2017 global goodwill hope servant leadership skateboard skateboarding socent + social entrepreneurship global goodwill hope servant leadership skateboard skateboarding socent social entrepreneurship
Re-Threading The American Quilt / #socialgood #socent #socialresponsibility Posted by Unknown on April 07, 2017 Bridgeport community criminal justice empathy skateboarding socent social good social responsibility + this American quilt Bridgeport community criminal justice empathy skateboarding socent social good social responsibility this American quilt
Marching To Take Back America Full-Throttle / #positivedisruption #guns #America #SocEnt #allin Posted by Unknown on September 07, 2016 all in america guns New York City positive disruption socent + social entrepreneurship all in america guns New York City positive disruption socent social entrepreneurship