
New Citizens, New Country / #education #parents #teachers #USA

Critical Thinking & Access To The Forms Of Production: What Frederick Douglass Did And What The Incas Could Not Do / #edchat #politicalscience #theFreedomPapers #humanrights

Critical Thinkers Create The #NewEra / #criticalthinking #politicalscience #family #education

Build The Wall, End Sanctuary City’s & Be Compassionate / #DACA #politicalscience #criticalthinking #empathy #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption

When Will America Get A Chance To Be America? / #politicalscience #theFreedomEssays #USA

Critical Thinkers Place Country Over Politics / #immigration #USA #education #criticalthinkers

‘Hello Brother, hello sister’ / #Israel #Palestine #Jerusalem #politicalscience #positivedisruption