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Showing posts with the label God

Your Most Humble & Obedient Servant

Gentle-hearted, not easily provoked, slow to anger, ready to forgive. Being meek, as defined in Judeo-Christian scripture, differs from its common understanding outside of its biblical interpretation. Its understanding in scripture is connected with one of the qualities of being the sons and daughters of God. Its scriptural application from the LORD describes the word as being gentle of heart unto others, submissive unto God, and humble in all of ones ways; an intelligently, aware understanding that is outwardly good and inwardly producing continued peace in the heart and mind. Moses was well-known for being meek. George Washington, though he was a soldier all his life, was meek, as can be directly understood from his writings. Abigail Adams was meek. Frederick Douglass was meek. Abraham Lincoln was meek. George Washington Carver was exceedingly meek. Ronald Reagan was meek. What is written is said as a placement of a landmark; a position to proclaim within our schools, family homes, a...

God So Loved The World / a #poem #literature

God so loved the world that he descended into it. He was willing to suffer the vessels fitted for destruction,   that the holy vessels may have an example to follow. His arrival was anticipated by the rulers of the world; in the hope of stopping Him, they killed all young children two and under He descended from above unto a world spiritually in darkness; He became a shining light unto others bringing hope of a better calling, a surety of a deeper purpose. His disciples fanned out far and wide, moved by the passion of his Holy Spirit; they willfully endured scorn, scoffing, murder, and persecution. God so loved the world, seeing its inevitable demise,  he willfully loved us, in spite of ourselves We altogether have fallen, having chosen the pleasures of this world for a short season, rather than the separation of our spirit from this world He drew us out of many waters; and he inscripted us in turn, to st...

The Lion of Anacostia / #criticalthinkers #theFreedomPapers #education #FrederickDouglass #God #AmericaFirst #AbrahamLincol

Every seventh day he was given a bottle of whisky; he sat under a tree; he would escape his reality, even if the truth of his chains of air would all return to him before midnight. Frederick Douglass had taught himself to read and write using two books and a dollop of determination: He read and studied The Columbian Orator; a compendium of essays and literary pieces wherein the practitioner gains articulate eloquence in character and pronunciation), and the Holy Bible. The latter gave Douglass profound ideas about what God intended, moral teachings on humanity, and intellectual upbringing through a God-Sanctioned understanding of human history. As a slave in the south, Douglass did not have a family experience, was not raised in a home with siblings, father and mother, did not have birthday parties, or attend school; there were no after school activities or playing catch with Dad in the late afternoon hours of the day. All he had was an inner spark kept alive that urged him ...

One Nation Under God / #education #family #civicduty #newera #theFreedomPapers

The backbone of the United States of America is made up of interlocking parts, needful of being identified and protected, strengthened and cherished. The traditional family unit is one of these spinal parts, as are patriotic men and women whom value and invest heart, mind and body towards the protection of American freedoms and liberties. Both of these, the family and those who are upholders of the principles of true freedom and liberty, we would think, have no real present threats. After all, one need only look down most Main Streets in middle-class to affluent American towns to find the same picture repeated over and over again, like a Norman Rockwell painting that never loses its varnish. Dads, Moms and their kids can be seen out in the community sport fields, cafƩs, sidewalks and parks in timeless motion year after year in what seems to be relative paradise. Their is peace through strength. Police officer men and women, firefighters, and paramedics patrol ceaselessly in servi...

The Ballast Of The Ship / #theFreedomPapers #government #faith #God

ā€œGet ye out of the way,  turn aside out of the path,  cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.ā€ Isaiah 30:11 Is multiculturalism a breakaway and/ or politically correct replacement of Judeo-Christian founding principles of government in the United States of America? Can we be a pluralistic nation that retains the Abrahamic God in the center? Are the ideas of the representatives in the Continental Congressā€™s outdated and needing to be modernized, or do they continue to be the distilled conclusion of much deliberation on how the colonies in North America were to begin to self-govern themselves?   In the social-political light of what was at the time, an English king whom was inflexible, perhaps not advised well, and deaf to even the admonishment of members of his own Parliament, did the American delegates in these first two Congresses do the honest, selfless, critical thinking required to bring sound judgement, excellent public discourse, ...

ā€œā€¦and David danced before the Lord with all his might..ā€ 2 Samuel 6:14a / #HonoringGod 12/24/17 #God #JesusChrist #poem #remembrance #servantleaders

He does not faint, nor does he weary. His Word does not wane, but shines brighter and brighter to his coming day. I said in retreat, ā€œLord, look what has become of it?!ā€ He pointed me back to all He said. Searching Him, I found Him seeking me. I thought to myself, what is it to be a Christian? Paul said it is a profession, Lila said it was not enough to be a Christian, but to go forth and be an active Christian. Your words became as in the time of Daniel. Inside of me I have kept them. Sharing that which is sweeter than honey and the honeycomb with my children If there be any hope, please Lord, that they may love your Word; that it may guide their heart and mind. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Before he graced us as the express image of God, the Lord Jesus Christ was the delight of His Father, and the apple of His eye. He became a little lower than the host of angels, a created host of ministering spirits sent to minister on Him and His children. Daniel ask...

Essay & Poem: Keeping the President to his Promises / #thisAmericanQuilt #criticalthinking #ProLife

There is no understanding in a darkened vessel. It is reduced to smart matter self-interested in its own self, in its survival, its earthy endeavors, all that it sees, thinks and feels with its senses. Love, in its highest form releases itself from such darkness surreptitiously, stealth-like. Imperceptibly, such a vessel discerns not the moment of loveā€™s release. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Apathy & Empathy at what point, it could not be told waves of apathy rushed into the void rising crescendos of craftiness clouded inner sight afar off, Love in its perpetual glory looked on a darkened vessel all that remained a human without course, a ship without a tiller a heart without light to see the way ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. Does God not test us? Is he not in the midst of all his children? Is he in the distance somewhere in deep space looking on, far removed from the details of peopleā€™s lives? Is God not the essence of love and among us at all times? Does he not j...