#BuenosAires -Being Rich & Poor, #Family & the Slopes Of #Bariloche, #Argentina / #thisQuilt #allthatmatters
I am thankful that I have known what it is to be incredibly wealthy and incredibly poor. I have lived both sides and appreciate the lessons both states can teach. My family use to be quite affluent before Hurricane Hugo blasted my fathers housing development projects in the late 1980's and some financial mistakes shattered everything. We use to ski in Utah and Colorado in the winters. In the summer time we would fly into Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mom and Dad would book a suite for the family at the Plaza Hotel there. I would have the cheese soup. We would walk Avenida Florida, visit the stores and eat. At least that was my experience. One time I let go of my mother's hand and grabbed it again only to find that it was not her. The stranger took me to the 'cuartel,' or police station where I sat until my parents showed up. Mom and Dad would tell us to stick close to them. In the 1980's people would disappear in Argentina and I knew this back then. I remember see...