A Unity Government- A Coalition Of The American Spirit

In speaking directly to the American people, in admonishing members of our Supreme Court, in supporting a congressional Pro Life coalition of Republicans & Democrats; in rooting out the unnatural springs of acrimony and division, the cause of liberty and justice has continued its relentless movement to reach our hearts & minds. Its disinterested defenders clearly identify the construction of the self-serving abortion industry upon our government. True liberty; and the defense of it, namely our natural rights as laid before us in our constitutional documents, offers no new vision before us; no new radical additional construction. That would be unconstitutional. We are free to live in peace, to be happy, and to be an educated people. Instead, the cause of liberty and justice, the right of humanity, is an idea with the power to bring community together in peace: in it, the value of life in each person is equal, and the protection of that life—assured with the establishment of a government of and for the people of the land. To that end, the defense of this recognition requires no theoretical construction, only awareness of what is already ours and a mind and heart to maintain, strengthen and defend. A diligent search among us, and among our ancestors is right and necessary also as a means of understanding how to be about that maintaining, that strengthening, and that defense. We must know who the true champions have always been.—That we may learn their process, that we may know their ardor, and that we may discern their spirit.

How then do we have a society, namely, the abortion industry, that is given a cloak of faux constitutionality directly in opposition to the spirit of liberty and justice attained in 1776?—the spirit of equal created value with the government tasked for the protection and not the destruction of our human rights? The cause of true liberty and real justice for all empowers, protects, and recognizes these natural rights as stated in the promissory note that is our Declaration of Independence & furthermore, enshrined in our Bill of Rights. It does no harm, it seeks not to outfit itself as a business for the monetization and sustaining of itself. Liberty— their is a book of it, the ‘super-author’ calls it the book of the perfect law of liberty. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance—these nine together and separate create liberty in practice; and the absence of them—darkness of mind, heart, and spirit…

Can a people long exist as one in the absence of these? Are not those the well-known & trusted spiritual attributes our real superpower?

We are not to tear our children from limb to limb within our own bodies, nor separate their heads from themselves. Nor are we to allow any of the people within our land to do the same. It is the beginning of our liberty that is extinguished in its first heartbeat, and no narrative, how often repeated as a dead mantra, can stoke our national spirit of liberty and justice back to life in such a state. The strength of the promise of our Declaration of Independence is not to be understood as some dead relic parchment, but a living document, alive in the heart and mind according to our awareness and diligence to maintain it so, to strengthen it, and to defend it.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Taney's opinion sidestepped the precepts of the Declaration of Independence, the natural rights of Mr. Dred Scott's as an actual human being and American citizen, as well as the legislation of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 disallowing slavery and the movement of the same in free states.

It is not only that abortion is inherently wrong, but that it scoffs at the very foundational ideas meant to keep the integrity of the nation together. The division we have as a people is the crumbling of our foundational agreements; namely again, that we have equal created value, the right to life, liberty, the right to pursue being happy, and the right to establish a government of us and for us for the protection, and never the destruction of the people.
