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The Power of Discussion & the Written Word / #Democracy #PeoplePower #HaitianRevolution #AmericanRevolution #humanrights #FormsOfProduction #theFreedomPapers

How important is the presence and absence of (1) open discussion of ideas to humanity,   and how pivotal is the presence and absence of (2) the written word, and the (3) ability to physically (digitally) distribute such ideas to impact local, national, and global events? On page 88, of ā€˜Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History (1995),ā€™ Michel-Rolph Trouillot, paraphrases, Louis Sala-Molins ā€œclaimā€ ā€˜that slavery was the ultimate test of the Enlightenment.ā€™ Whereas Trouillot goes one step further and sais that ā€œthe Haitian Revolution was the ultimate test to the universalist pretensions of both the French and American revolutions. And they both failed. In 1791, there is no public debate on the record, in France, in England, or in the United states on the right of black slaves to achieve self-determination, and the right to do so by way of armed resistance.ā€ In such a manner does Michel-Rolph Trouillot place before the reader the possibility that the American Revo...

The Propaganda in Our Hearts & Minds / #positivedisruption #criticalthinkers #democracy

Not only does human slaughter of the fruit of a womanā€™s womb promote the idea that we are disposable, but a peopleā€™s will to stand up to such a standard order of daily business is stifled through its information modes  of content production. What does the latter mean? and how important is a critically thinking, open-minded individual who is God-centered to a local, national, and global community? Why would such characteristics in an individual be considered outright dangerous by a prevailing political order? This type of individual can be found anywhere in the world, irrespective of ethnicity, race, or language, but not regardless of submission to the the true Lord of Lords, God Almighty. It requires altruism, time, and an investment of spiritual energy in a concerted way. We must become as if we were political scientist, listening, observing, watching and seeking to understand how culture is created, how governments interact with one another, with the citizenry, how pe...

Movement Of The Heart

Movement Of The Heart

** More Than Conquerors ***

** More Than Conquerors *** God's Word is the foundation of the United States of America. As his servants, his inheritors are His treasure and are called Kings. Even so, we cast our crowns before Him in cheerful service to humanity.

Four Main Community Priorities in the Realm of Special Needs / #empathiccapitalism #business #specianeeds ScalziOriginals.US

Housing for Adults with Special Needs High-quality at-home/ community 1:1 and Special Educational services for individuals Mentoring services for at-risk youth   Executive function-based Youth Sports programs for youth and adults with special needs operated by qualified special educational professionals Special Needs Housing As of fifty years ago, across the United States of America, including Connecticut and New York, of which the focus is herein, housing for adults with severe special needs was in the form of asylum centers. Since then, awareness in human rights and the rise of special educational services has led to a movement towards state-funded housing and privately-run organizations offering adult-special needs housing. Even so, the waiting list for such housing is constant, and the quality of the housing itself is mid to low-quality in its recreational and residential amenities. It can be aptly put forth that this is a segment of the population that is under...

The Lion of Anacostia / #criticalthinkers #theFreedomPapers #education #FrederickDouglass #God #AmericaFirst #AbrahamLincol

Every seventh day he was given a bottle of whisky; he sat under a tree; he would escape his reality, even if the truth of his chains of air would all return to him before midnight. Frederick Douglass had taught himself to read and write using two books and a dollop of determination: He read and studied The Columbian Orator; a compendium of essays and literary pieces wherein the practitioner gains articulate eloquence in character and pronunciation), and the Holy Bible. The latter gave Douglass profound ideas about what God intended, moral teachings on humanity, and intellectual upbringing through a God-Sanctioned understanding of human history. As a slave in the south, Douglass did not have a family experience, was not raised in a home with siblings, father and mother, did not have birthday parties, or attend school; there were no after school activities or playing catch with Dad in the late afternoon hours of the day. All he had was an inner spark kept alive that urged him ...

The Power of the Family Dinner Conversation / #theFreedomPapers #education #criticalthinking #family

Knowledge is not simply ā€˜power,ā€™ it is dormant power. Letters can be used to create words to craft ideas and create intellectual discussion, but in and of themselves, they are only letters; instruments to aid us in communication. The application of knowledge, of those letters into choice words creates the ability to exercise power through the construction of ideas that can be communicative. Distilled: Knowledge is dormant power. The application of knowledge is power in action. It is nearly impossible for the American educational system to correct itself from its current trajectory regarding the understanding of the most important twenty first century skills required to shape new generations of Americans in the form and fashion needed. A recurring message demand is that we focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), when in fact we have to get STEEM, in order to exercise the application of that knowledge. The extra ā€˜Eā€™ is entrepreneurship. Moreover, it is ...