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Showing posts from October, 2022

The Unanimous Good Of All Americans: A Study of America's Successful Historical Tradition of Individual Economic Liberty

  How we go about establishing long-term resilience in the American economy; avoiding war with Russia and China while protecting our national interest; asserting peace, and also safeguarding those historical traditions that have made the United States of America the last remaining superpower: how we approach these objectives sais more about our self-interests, than the actual task itself. The power of our vote as individuals, and the writing and speaking of sober-minded Americans can help inform the people, that they may at the end, having that more profound knowledge, make the right decision. Is that enough protection for preserving our American way of life that has allowed such tremendous economic prosperity being diversely distributed across the land? Understanding 'what are'  & 'how' we established and solidified our traditional historical strengths that have formed such economic success is crucial for any voter, writer and speaker, that from that standpoint, t...

"Trust the People"--The Triumph of Ronald Reagan: He Addressed The American Economy as a Pragmatic Business Capitalist

The degree of regard unto the simple American principle that government be 'of and for' shows itself in the character of those who have been elected or entered political power. How well a nation's leader, their administration's policy makers, representatives of our U.S. Congress, and finally, the Justices in our Supreme Court respect, value, and understand the dual role of solemn stewardship and leadership requires personal humility and a selfless sense of service to the people that may oft be placed aside when the same individuals in positions of government power realize that they can affect national policy, according to their political self-interest distinct from the unanimous good of all the people. In that regard, what does stewardship and leadership in government signify to a Supreme Court Justice, to the holder of the office of the American Presidency, and with our members of Congress? How do they do their job in such a way that their work distills a spirit of lib...

(CONTINUED) The Design of Faction To Control & Destroy The American Fossil Fuel Industry: Lessons Learned From The Supreme Court's 6.30.2022 Ruling Opinion on West Virginia v. EPA

The Supreme Court's West Virginia v. EPA 6.30.2022 ruling opinion describes how the fossil fuel industry is being targeted, and expresses the observation that such policies are knowingly purposed to have a massive economic cost on Americans and our economy. Due to its national economic significance, the fossil fuel industry of oil, coal, and natural gas, --amounting to 79% of all fuel production and use for the powering of the American economy in 2021, should be understood as a political and economic power that directly affects the strength and ability of America's domestic and foreign monetary strength, and that in turn, affects its decision-making, options, leverage, and position in the balance of power amongst other nations. Therefore, attempts and actions to hinder, limit, or constrain the American fossil fuel market's domestic production, must be carefully observed, deconstructed, and the root causes of such negatively disruptive efforts brought to the awareness of the...