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Showing posts from December, 2021

How Some On Our Supreme Court Slant Conversation To Foreclose Discussion

For Americans, what is the cause, the desired effect of this awareness, practice, and protection of the ā€˜Spirit of the Union?ā€™ Why does Abraham Lincoln bring our attention unto the Declaration of Independence more so beyond bringing our thoughts unto the Constitution itself? Is not ā€˜the Constitution,ā€™ rather than that Declaration of Independence, the document that has been chosen as the guide of the law of the land? When the founding fathers who created and founded the specific functions of government offices, the powers that each of these would wield, how the three branches of said government (legislative, judicial, executive) would work with one another, and in what ways they would balance each other, did they not first unite the country with a founding agreement to immediately bring together the different people of the American colonies, replete with their diverse ethnicities, religions, as one people?  How was this achieved? Was it the Constitution of 1787 with its preamble (i...

The Original Spirit Of American Law Is Protection Of Individual Life & Liberty: Across All Generations, Without Relenting

The idea and reality of ā€˜powerā€™ is an abstract reality that takes on clarity in the manner of its relation to its application, its desired ends, and situational context that it is practiced in.  Surely, the work to guarantee perfect liberty pertains to the American peopleā€™s understanding of the role, function, and balance of the federal government to themself, and its intended and actual balance of its three branches amongst itself. Further,  the importance of the peopleā€™s awareness that it is their solemn duty to ascertain that the national government be of and for the people, in such a way that the spirit, intention, and word of American law be protected and replenished from the source of its unmovable foundation, our national community document known as the Declaration of Independenceā€”is of the greatest regard to the life of the national community, and the spirit of liberty that was originally intended. the unalloyed spirit of liberty  exacted in that Declarat...