George Washington was a soldier always longing for his farm; for a return too harvest his field, to fix that hedge, to sit in his rocking chair; but to the frontiers of Virginia did he travel to protect the local people from attacks from warring tribes of Native Americans. His progress as a Christian marks his daily life and can be gleaned from his writings that compliment the national heritage of America. His one thought over the years was the issue of slavery; and in the process of the Continental Congress and his volunteer service as Commander of the Continental Army, and later as President, began to show the steady walk towards honoring liberty and justice for all. In 1792, for example, along with Congress, he designated the Northwest territories as free of slavery. He understood that slavery had to be constrained, limited, hindered, and finally brought to a close if the purpose of the United States of America was to grow and expand its roots of liberty. In his last testament, he p...
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