
The #PositiveDisruption of HarrietTubman / #America #thisAmericanFabric #slavery #liberty #women @potus

We are Born in the Womb & with Care, We Grow #InsideOut / #risetogether #EpicCommitment #America

#TownHall Meeting for #Norwalk & #SouthNorwalk Residents @ its Amphitheater / #familyfirst #revitalization

Where the Rubber Meets the Road / #socialentrepreneurship #publicschools #newday #economy #positivedisruption

Responding to Terror with Love on the Sleeve / #Orlando #thisAmericanQuilt @potus #socialresponsibility #faith

The Return of the Town Hall Meeting to South Norwalk / #positivedisruption #communityfirst #gentrification #socent

Floating like a Butterfly, Stinging Like A Bee / #positivedisruption #socialresponsibility #MuhammadAli

@ScalziOriginals.US #StateOfTheUnion @CityOfStamford #skateboarding #positivedisruption #comunity #youth #autism

Dad's can be nurturing & teach ancient warrior skills all at once. #archery

Being Electric: The Legacy of Kunta Kinte / #apathy #Norwalk #Connecticut #positivedisruption #servantleadership

Dancing to Think Independently / #autism #passion #parents #selfaffirmation

Divide and Conquer: For the Soul of Norwalk / #SouthNorwalkCommunityCenter #positivedisruption #gentrification

Fishing Lines, Bouys and Independent Thinking / #GoForth with an #EpicHeart and #EpicCommitment